Journal of Pathology Informatics

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Deep learning for digital pathology image analysis: A comprehensive tutorial with selected use cases2016/01/01English568
OpenSlide: A vendor-neutral software foundation for digital pathology2013/01/01English246
Artificial Intelligence and Digital Pathology: Challenges and Opportunities2018/01/01English228
Review of the current state of whole slide imaging in pathology2011/01/01English212
Introduction to Digital Image Analysis in Whole-slide Imaging: A White Paper from the Digital Pathology Association2019/01/01English188
Deep Learning for Classification of Colorectal Polyps on Whole-slide Images2017/01/01English161
Automated quantification of aligned collagen for human breast carcinoma prognosis2014/01/01English142
Digital images and the future of digital pathology2010/01/01English131
Mitosis detection in breast cancer histological images An ICPR 2012 contest2013/01/01English127
Implementation of large-scale routine diagnostics using whole slide imaging in Sweden: Digital pathology experiences 2006-20132014/01/01English109
Twenty Years of Digital Pathology: An Overview of the Road Travelled, What is on the Horizon, and the Emergence of Vendor-Neutral Archives2018/01/01English109
Going fully digital: Perspective of a Dutch academic pathology lab2013/01/01English106
Classification of mitotic figures with convolutional neural networks and seeded blob features2013/01/01English105
Can Digital Pathology Result In Cost Savings? A Financial Projection For Digital Pathology Implementation At A Large Integrated Health Care Organization2014/01/01English91
Next generation sequencing in clinical medicine: Challenges and lessons for pathology and biomedical informatics2012/01/01English82
Color standardization in whole slide imaging using a color calibration slide2014/01/01English77
Automated mitosis detection in histopathology using morphological and multi-channel statistics features2013/01/01English70
Experience with multimodality telepathology at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center2012/01/01English67
The feasibility of using natural language processing to extract clinical information from breast pathology reports2012/01/01English66
Routine Digital Pathology Workflow: The Catania Experience2017/01/01English66
Current State of the Regulatory Trajectory for Whole Slide Imaging Devices in the USA2017/01/01English65
Autoverification in a core clinical chemistry laboratory at an academic medical center2014/01/01English63
Implementing the DICOM Standard for Digital Pathology2018/01/01English63
American Telemedicine Association clinical guidelines for telepathology2014/01/01English62
Diagnostic Performance of Deep Learning Algorithms Applied to Three Common Diagnoses in Dermatopathology2018/01/01English60
Multi-Field-of-View Deep Learning Model Predicts Nonsmall Cell Lung Cancer Programmed Death-Ligand 1 Status from Whole-Slide Hematoxylin and Eosin Images2019/01/01English60
Antibody-supervised deep learning for quantification of tumor-infiltrating immune cells in hematoxylin and eosin stained breast cancer samples2016/01/01English58
An open-source software program for performing Bonferroni and related corrections for multiple comparisons2011/01/01English58
Artificial Intelligence in Cytopathology: A Neural Network to Identify Papillary Carcinoma on Thyroid Fine-Needle Aspiration Cytology Smears2018/01/01English55
Using image analysis as a tool for assessment of prognostic and predictive biomarkers for breast cancer: How reliable is it?2010/01/01English54