
Title Publication Date Language Citations
Developing tools for analyzing and viewing multiplexed images2022/07/01English
Navigating an early career in genomics and data science, written from the perspective of a current PhD student2022/07/01English
On the sui generis value capture of new digital technologies: The case of AI2022/07/01English
Data, Inspiration, and the New Year2021/01/01English
The Bird Is Not the Migration Data: Insights from an Artwork Exploring Machine-Animal Collaboration2021/01/01English
Sequencing meets machine learning to fight emerging pathogens: A preview2022/02/01English
Oner, Sung, and Lee: Researchers in digital pathology for the future of modern medicine2022/02/01English
How to Tell When a Digital Technology Is Not Ready for You2020/04/01English
Administrative Data Research UK2020/04/01English
What Have Games Got to Do with Me?2020/04/01English
“Digits: for Good”; How Patterns Can Help2020/11/01English
FAIR, open, and free does not mean no restrictions2021/09/01English
Paired evaluation of machine-learning models characterizes effects of confounders and outliers2023/08/01English
Statistics in everyone’s backyard: An impact study via citation network analysis2022/08/01English
Responsible data science is a responsibility for all2022/10/01English
Compressive sensing of functional connectivity maps from patterned optogenetic stimulation of neuronal ensembles2023/10/01English
MANGEM: A web app for multimodal analysis of neuronal gene expression, electrophysiology, and morphology2023/11/01English
EasyGraph: A multifunctional, cross-platform, and effective library for interdisciplinary network analysis2023/10/01English
B-factor prediction in proteins using a sequence-based deep learning model2023/09/01English
Guiding maps of solvents for lithium-sulfur batteries via a computational data-driven approach2023/09/01English
Why are some plants taller? Researchers on the unveiling of genetic variation associated with complex quantitative phenotypes2023/06/01English
Occupational models from 42 million unstructured job postings2023/07/01English
DRAC 2022: A public benchmark for diabetic retinopathy analysis on ultra-wide optical coherence tomography angiography images2024/03/01English
Social construction of XAI: Do we need one definition to rule them all?2024/02/01English
Folding paper models of biostructures for outreach and education2024/02/01English
Using machine learning probabilities to identify effects of COVID-192023/12/01English
Zero-shot personalization of speech foundation models for depressed mood monitoring2023/11/01English
Efficient model selection for predictive pattern mining model by safe pattern pruning2023/12/01English
Understanding common human driving semantics for autonomous vehicles2023/07/01English
Evaluating vaccine allocation strategies using simulation-assisted causal modeling2023/06/01English