The Humanistic Psychologist

Title Publication Date Language Citations
To not make definite what is indefinite: A phenomenological analysis of perception and its epistemological consequences in human science research.2003/01/01English102
A conceptual clarification of the experience of awe: An interpretative phenomenological analysis.2011/07/01English86
"Reflexive embodied empathy": A phenomenology of participant-researcher intersubjectivity.2005/01/01English76
Staring at the sun: Overcoming the terror of death.2008/07/01English74
Spirit breaking: When the helping professions hurt.1990/01/01English72
A terror management perspective on the role of death-related anxiety in psychological dysfunction.2014/01/01English67
The nature of peak experience in wilderness.2009/10/01English62
Concerning Variations in the Application of the Phenomenological Method.2006/01/01English60
On the measurement of meaning: Logotherapy's empirical contributions to humanistic psychology.2008/01/01English55
Mindful awareness, mindsight, and neural integration.2009/04/01English55
Adaptation of mindfulness-based stress reduction program for addiction relapse prevention.2009/04/01English54
Eco-existential positive psychology: Experiences in nature, existential anxieties, and well-being.2014/10/01English45
What is the good life? Positive psychology and the renaissance of humanistic psychology.2008/04/01English44
Positive psychology: A Foucauldian critique.2008/04/01English43
Toward a postmodern psychology.1990/01/01English38
Humanistic and positive psychology: The methodological and epistemological divide.2008/04/01English37
An analysis of recent meditation research and suggestions for future directions.2003/01/01English36
Intuitive Inquiry: An Epistemology of the Heart for Scientific Inquiry.2004/01/01English33
The transpersonal dimensions of ecopsychology: Nature, nonduality, and spiritual practice.1998/01/01English32
Wellbeing through self-fulfilment: Examining developmental aspects of self-actualization.2013/04/01English30
The negative shadow cast by positive psychology: Contrasting views and implications of humanistic and positive psychology on resiliency.2012/01/01English29
Living in the Earth: Ecopsychology, health and psychotherapy.1998/01/01English28
Meaning-centered approach to research and therapy, second wave positive psychology, and the future of humanistic psychology.2017/09/01English28
Propensity for experiencing flow: The roles of cognitive flexibility and mindfulness.2013/10/01English28
Philosophical foundations of humanistic psychology.2000/01/01English27
The Unwanted Exposure of the Self: A Phenomenological Study of Embarrassment.2006/01/01English27
The methods of reflexivity.2003/01/01English26
Exploring the psychological rewards of a wilderness experience: An interpretive phenomenological analysis.2011/07/01English25
The connectedness model and optimal development: Is ecopsychology the answer to emotional well-being?1998/01/01English25
Representing Madness: How Are Subjective Experiences of Emotional Distress Presented in First-Person Accounts?2006/01/01English25