
Title Publication Date Language Citations
From Presence to Power: Women's Citizenship in a New Democracy1999/01/0116
Race-ing xenophobic violence: Engaging social representations of the black African body in post-apartheid South Africa2016/04/02English15
Thinking intersectionally with/through narrative methodologies2017/01/02English15
A tough love approach indeed: Demonising early childbearing in the Zuma era2012/12/01English15
Women, AIDS, Power and Heterosexual Negotiation: A Discourse Analysis1992/01/0115
Gender inequality in the South African labour market: Insights from the Employment Equity Act data2019/10/02English14
“I feel like half a woman all the time”: The impacts of coerced and forced sterilisations on HIV-positive women in South Africa2012/06/01English14
Denied love: Same-sex desire, agency and social oppression among African men who engage in same-sex relations2013/06/01English14
Women in selected rural municipalities: Resilience and agency against vulnerabilities to climate change2014/07/03English14
Double Trouble: Environmental Injustice in South Durban2002/01/01English13
Eternal mothers, whores or witches: the oddities of being a woman in politics in Zimbabwe2020/05/20English13
South Africa's Sonke Gender Justice Network: Educating men for gender equality2013/03/01English13
Bodies, matter and feminist freedoms: Revisiting the politics of food2016/10/01English13
Womxn’s bodies reclaiming the picket line: The ‘nude’ protest during #FeesMustFall2017/10/02English13
Challenging Fanon: A Black radical feminist perspective on violence and the Fees Must Fall movement2017/10/02English13
Indigenous girls’ resilience in settler states: Honouring body and land sovereignty2017/04/03English13
Academics of colour: Experiences of emerging Black women academics in Curriculum Studies at a university in South Africa2018/04/03English13
Redefining Black Consciousness and resistance: The intersection of Black Consciousness and Black feminist thought2017/10/02English13
The End of the Black Man1998/01/0113
An empirical analysis of trends in female labour force participation and the gender wage gap in South Africa2019/10/02English12
Gendering disability and disabling gender: Critical reflections on intersections of gender and disability2015/04/03English12
Intersectionality in student movements: Black queer womxn and nonbinary activists in South Africa’s 2015–2016 protests2017/10/02English12
Girl-led strategies to address campus safety: Creating action briefs for dialogue with policy makers2015/07/03English12
Queering the social emergence of disabled sexual identities: Linking queer theory with disability studies in the South African context2015/01/02English12
Older people and sexuality: Double jeopardy of ageism and sexism in youth-dominated societies2012/12/01English12
“Stories are data with Soul” – lessons from black feminist epistemology2014/01/02English12
Introducing love: gender, sexuality and power2013/06/01English12
Targeting Men for a Change: AIDS Discourse and Activism in Africa2000/01/0112
The Masculine Construct in Heterosex1998/01/0112
Marked Men: Whiteness and Masculinity1998/01/0112