Journal of Systems Science and Complexity

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Consensus of Linear Multi-Agent Systems with Persistent Disturbances via Distributed Output Feedback2018/11/23English20
Consensus of Single Integrator Multi-Agent Systems with Unbounded Transmission Delays2018/11/16English20
Identifying influential spreaders in artificial complex networks2014/08/01English20
New Lyapunov-Krasovskii Functional for Stability Analysis of Linear Systems with Time-Varying Delay2020/11/07English19
Optimal binary codes from one-lee weight codes and two-lee weight projective codes over ℤ42014/08/01English19
On Fuzzy h-Ideals of Hemirings2007/09/01English19
Forecasting China’s Foreign Trade Volume with a Kernel-Based Hybrid Econometric-Ai Ensemble Learning Approach2008/03/01English19
Stochastic differential equations and stochastic linear quadratic optimal control problem with Lévy processes2009/01/30English19
Global stability of an epidemic model for vector-borne disease2010/04/01English19
A multiscale modeling approach incorporating ARIMA and anns for financial market volatility forecasting2014/02/01English19
Structural decomposition analysis on China’s energy intensity change for 1987–20052012/02/01English19
An improvement to multiple criteria ABC inventory classification using Shannon entropy2017/06/29English19
Finite-time ruin probability with NQD dominated varying-tailed claims and NLOD inter-arrival times2009/06/01English18
Cooperation in two-stage games on undirected networks2016/12/29English18
Finite-time tracking control for motor servo systems with unknown dead-zones2013/12/01English18
Adaptive tracking of a class of first-order systems with binary-valued observations and fixed thresholds2012/12/01English18
Aggregation of Fuzzy Opinions Under Group Decision-Making Based on Similarity and Distance2006/03/01English18
A Second-Order Sliding Mode Controller of Quad-Rotor UAV Based on PID Sliding Mode Surface with Unbalanced Load2020/11/07English18
Guaranteed Cost Finite-Time Control of Fractional-Order Nonlinear Positive Switched Systems with D-Perturbations via MDADT2018/11/16English17
Codimension-two bifurcations analysis and tracking control on a discrete epidemic model2011/12/01English17
Sensor Fault Estimation and Fault-Tolerant Control for a Class of Takagi-Sugeno Markovian Jump Systems with Partially Unknown Transition Rates Based on the Reduced-Order Observer2018/12/01English17
On LCD Negacyclic Codes over Finite Fields2017/11/29English17
Exponential stability of linear distributed parameter switched systems with time-delay2014/04/01English17
Does investor sentiment predict stock returns? The evidence from Chinese stock market2014/02/01English17
Global stability of endemic equilibrium point of basic virus infection model with application to HBV infection2010/12/01English17
Nonhomogeneous boundary value problems for the Korteweg-de Vries equation on a bounded domain2010/06/01English17
Robust Finite-Time Stability and Stabilization of a Class of Fractional-Order Switched Nonlinear Systems2019/12/01English17
A Demand Forecasting Method Based on Stochastic Frontier Analysis and Model Average: An Application in Air Travel Demand Forecasting2018/11/20English17
Radar target recognition algorithm based on RCS observation sequence — set-valued identification method2015/12/29English17