Journal of the Optical Society of America A

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Vortex avalanche in the perturbed singular beams2019/05/24English6
Maximum permissible exposures for ocular safety (ANSI 2000), with emphasis on ophthalmic devices2007/04/11English6
Programmable unitary spatial mode manipulation2010/10/29English6
Modal analysis of structured light with spatial light modulators: a practical tutorial2020/09/25English6
Stokes-vector and Mueller-matrix polarimetry [Invited]2016/06/24English6
Propagation of Bessel and Airy beams through atmospheric turbulence2014/02/14English6
Digital holographic interference-phase measurement using the Fourier-transform method1986/06/01English6
Contrast in complex images1990/10/01English6
Formulation and comparison of two recursive matrix algorithms for modeling layered diffraction gratings1996/05/01English6
Reconstruction of a complex-valued object from the modulus of its Fourier transform using a support constraint1987/01/01English6
Use of Fourier series in the analysis of discontinuous periodic structures1996/09/01English6
Improved solutions of the steady-state and the time-resolved diffusion equations for reflectance from a semi-infinite turbid medium1997/01/01English6
Detective quantum efficiency of imaging systems with amplifying and scattering mechanisms1987/05/01English5
Space–bandwidth product of optical signals and systems1996/03/01English5
Perceived velocity of moving chromatic gratings1984/08/01English5
Model for the computation of self-motion in biological systems1992/02/01English5
Rigorous three-dimensional coupled-wave diffraction analysis of single and cascaded anisotropic gratings1987/11/01English5
Thin-films field-transfer matrix theory of planar multilayer waveguides and reflection from prism-loaded waveguides1984/07/01English5
Rigorous coupled-wave analysis of metallic surface-relief gratings1986/11/01English5
Realization of general nondiffracting beams with computer-generated holograms1989/11/01English5
Model of human visual-motion sensing1985/02/01English5
Image rotation, Wigner rotation, and the fractional Fourier transform1993/10/01English5
Revised Kubelka–Munk theory III A general theory of light propagation in scattering and absorptive media2005/09/01English5
Large and extremely low loss: the unique challenges of gravitational wave mirrors2019/10/23English5
Worldwide prevalence of red-green color deficiency2012/02/16English5
Intensity control with a free-form lens2007/02/01English5
Modeling global scene factors in attention2003/07/01English5
Effects of aging on calculation efficiency and equivalent noise1999/03/01English5
Projection-space methods to take into account finite beam-width effects in two-dimensional tomography algorithms1999/01/01English5
New modal wave-front sensor: a theoretical analysis2000/06/01English5