Administrative Science Quarterly

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Work Group Demography, Social Integration, and Turnover1989/03/01880
The Fact of Fiction in Organizational Ethnography1979/12/01879
Total Quality Management: Empirical, Conceptual, and Practical Issues1995/06/01873
The Romance of Leadership1985/03/01870
Customization or Conformity? An Institutional and Network Perspective on the Content and Consequences of TQM Adoption1997/06/01864
Top Management Team Demography and Process: The Role of Social Integration and Communication1994/09/01862
Information in Organizations as Signal and Symbol1981/06/01853
Process Management and Technological Innovation: A Longitudinal Study of the Photography and Paint Industries2002/12/01English847
Being in the Right Place: A Structural Analysis of Individual Influence in an Organization1984/12/01837
Organizational Innovation and Performance: The Problem of "Organizational Lag"1984/09/01837
The Storytelling Organization: A Study of Story Performance in an Office- Supply Firm1991/03/01824
Performance, Aspirations, and Risky Organizational Change1998/03/01821
Market Uncertainty and the Social Character of Economic Exchange1994/09/01808
Follow the Leader: Mimetic Isomorphism and Entry Into New Markets1993/12/01807
The R&D Boundaries of the Firm: An Empirical Analysis1990/03/01806
Impetus for Action: A Cultural Analysis of Justice and Organizational Citizenship Behavior in Chinese Society1997/09/01794
The Case Study Crisis: Some Answers1981/03/01793
Board Composition: Balancing Family Influence in S&P 500 Firms2004/06/01English791
Special Boundary Roles in the Innovation Process1977/12/01787
A Strategic Contingencies' Theory of Intraorganizational Power1971/06/01785
Power Imbalance, Mutual Dependence, and Constraint Absorption: A Closer Look at Resource Dependence Theory2005/06/01English784
Knowledge Specialization, Organizational Coupling, and the Boundaries of the Firm: Why Do Firms Know More than They Make?2001/12/01English772
Cosmopolitans and Locals: Toward an Analysis of Latent Social Roles.I1957/12/01755
Agents without Principles? The Spread of the Poison Pill through the Intercorporate Network1991/12/01754
Organizational Legitimacy and the Liability of Newness1986/06/01750
Who Shall Govern? CEO/Board Power, Demographic Similarity, and New Director Selection1995/03/01748
When Innovations Meet Institutions: Edison and the Design of the Electric Light2001/09/01English744
Interdependence and Group Effectiveness1995/03/01743
Assessing the Political Landscape: Structure, Cognition, and Power in Organizations1990/06/01741
Modes of Interorganizational Imitation: The Effects of Outcome Salience and Uncertainty1997/09/01735