American Journal of Educational Research

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Evaluation of a Modular Teaching Approach in Materials Science and Engineering2014/11/247
Influence of Student-Teacher Communication on Students’ Academic Achievement for Effective Teaching and Learning2017/11/136
National Libyan Public Education Reform: Entire Transformative Strategies, 2020-20262017/11/056
Assessment of Conceptual Difficulties in Chemistry Syllabus of the Nigerian Science Curriculum as Perceived by High School College Students2017/08/266
The Influence of Project-based Learning Strategy and Self-regulated Learning on Academic Procrastination of Junior High School Students’ Mathematics Learning2017/08/266
Participation in Decision Making and Teachers’ Commitment: A Comparative Study between Public and Private Secondary Schools in Arusha Municipality, Tanzania2017/08/266
Knowledge, Attitudes and Beliefs of Meditation in College Students: Barriers and Opportunities2014/03/196
Performance on a Food Health Assessment Using Emoticons with Pre-Literacy-Aged Children2013/05/016
Transformative Learning in the Discipline of Nursing2014/11/116
Implementation of Inclusive Education in Ghanaian Primary Schools: A Look at Teachers` Attitudes2014/03/086
Outcomes of Community-Based Infant/ Toddler Teacher Preparation: Tiered Supports for Pre-service early Childhood Education Teachers in Early Head Start2015/05/316
Effects of Analogy Instructional Strategy, Cognitive Style and Gender on Senior Secondary School Students Achievement in Some Physics Concepts in Mubi Metropolis, Nigeria2014/09/016
Academic Dishonesty/ Corruption in the Period of Technology: <i>Its implication for Quality of Education</i>2014/11/106
Flipping the Classroom for Pharmacokinetics2014/11/186
Blogs as a Tool for the Development of Self-Regulated Learning Skills: A Project2015/01/056
Out of School Children: Enhancing Factors and Consequences for Sustainable Development in North Central Geo-Political Zone, Nigeria2020/10/305
Evaluation of Learning Programs at Elementary School Level of “Sekolah Alam Indonesia (SAI)”. (Evaluative Research Using Countenance Stake’s Model)2019/02/195
Code-Switching: A Pedagogical Strategy in Bilingual Classrooms2018/03/055
Investigating the Science Process Skills in Cycle 3 National Science Textbooks in Lebanon2015/02/225
Determining the Cultural Identity of a Child through Folk Literature2015/04/095
Effect of Gender, Age and Mathematics Anxiety on College Students’ Achievement in Algebra2014/06/265
Attitudes of Lebanese Secondary School Students and Teachers towards Biotechnology and its Teaching2014/06/125
Gender Differences in Acceptability and Usability of Computer Based Learning Package in Electrical and Electronics Technology in Nigeria2013/11/195
Formal Multiple Intelligences Assessment Instruments for 4-6 Years Old Children2014/11/305
The Relationship between Commitment to the Organization, Perceived Organizational Support, Job Satisfaction, and Organizational Citizenship Behavior of Teachers2014/11/025
An Appraisal of Sciences and Mathematics Dyslexia and Dyscalculia Syndrome among Secondary Schools Students2014/03/305
Comparative Study on Pre-Service Science Teachers’ Self-Efficacy Beliefs of Teaching in Kenya and the United States of America; USA2014/04/065
Bullying as a Correlate of Anxiety among Secondary School Students in Imo State: The Counselling Implications2017/08/265
The Relationship between Videogame Use, Deviant Behavior, and Academic Achievement among a Nationally Representative Sample of High School Seniors in the United States2017/05/055
A Functional Grammar Approach to Analysing Asian Students’ Writing2013/04/205