Brazilian Journal of Botany

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Implications of the harvest time on Syngonanthus nitens (Bong.) Ruhland (Eriocaulaceae) management in the state of Minas Gerais2014/03/01English
First record of Capartogramma paradisiaca Novelo, Tavera & Ibarra (Diatomeae) in South America2015/01/31English
Diversity of microfungi associated with phyllosphere of endemic Serbian plant Nepeta rtanjensis Diklić & Milojević2015/05/09English
Development, structure and function of bracteal nectaries in Caamembeca laureola (A.St.Hil & Moq.) JFB Pastore (Polygalaceae)2015/06/05English
Tryonia (Pteridaceae) in Brazil2020/04/30English
DNA barcoding of Haplophyllum gilesii (Hemsel.) C. C. Townsend from the Gilgit-Baltistan Province of Pakistan2019/12/01English
First natural report of Pabstiella teschiana Chiron & Xim.Bols. (Orchidaceae) from the Brazilian Atlantic Rainforest: notes on morphology, ecology and conservation2020/06/15English
Evaluation of Setaria viridis responses to salt treatment and potassium supply: a characterization of three contrasting accessions2021/12/01English
Effect of glyphosate on morphological, physiological and mitotic parameters of Vigna radiata varieties IPM 02-03 and IPM 02-142021/12/01English
Beyond the typological characters: A morphometric approach to vegetative characters in Anthurium Schott (Araceae) species2021/06/12English
Overexpression of sucrose synthase enhances cellulose content in transgenic Populus deltoides Bartr. ex Marsh2021/10/30English
Diversity of seed-coat structure and thickness among six genera representing tribes Sophoreae, Crotalarieae, and Genisteae (Papilionoideae, Fabaceae) in Egypt2022/04/08English
Leaf anatomical investigations in Acantholimon (Plumbaginaceae)2022/04/06English
Identification of molecular markers and putative candidate genes associated with early seedling vigour traits in rice (Oryza sativa L.)2022/12/22English
Overexpression of blackberry RuEG6 reduces the leaf cellulose content in tobacco2022/11/30English
Autonomous selfing is altered by pollination in delayed-selfing species Gentianopsis paludosa (Gentianaceae)2022/11/17English
Modeling of Microlicia cataphracta (Melastomataceae: Lavoisiereae), a widespread polymorphic species2022/09/03English
Evidence of pseudogamy in Guggul (Commiphora wightii): a comprehensive investigation based on FACS (fluorescence-activated cell sorting) analysis2022/08/01English
Inferring catabolism through analysis of amino acid balance in Vicia faba L. seedlings2021/09/26English
Transferability and characterization of nuclear microsatellite markers in populations of Annona coriacea (Annonaceae), a tree from the Brazilian cerrado2014/06/24English
Comparative evaluation of cytomorphological studies on 27 accessions of “Indian Ginseng” Withania somnifera (L.) Dunal from North India2014/09/09English
Multivariate analysis of Nymphaea (Nymphaeaceae) taxa in Manipur (India) through morphological variables2015/11/25English
Germination, initial growth, and biomass allocation in three native Cerrado species2012/01/01English
Floristic composition and phytogeography of the tree component of Araucaria Forest fragments in southern Brazil2012/01/01English
The genera Chara and Nitella (Chlorophyta, Characeae) in the subtropical Itaipu Reservoir, Brazil2012/01/01English
Corticolous cyanobacteria from tropical forest remnants in northwestern São Paulo State, Brazil2012/01/01English
Planktonic diatoms in lotic and lentic environments in the Lago dos Tigres hydrologic system (Britânia, Goiás, Brazil): Coscinodiscophyceae and Fragilariophyceae2012/01/01English
Brazil on the spot: Rio+20, sustainability and a role for science2012/01/01English