Integrated Pharmacy Research and Practice

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Analysis of Pharmaceuticals Inventory Management Using ABC-VEN Matrix Analysis in Selected Health Facilities of West Shewa Zone, Oromia Regional State, Ethiopia2022/02/01English1
Current perspectives on pharmacist home visits: do we keep reinventing the wheel?2018/10/01English1
Longitudinal qualitative evaluation of pharmacist integration into the urgent care setting2018/07/01English1
Promoting evidence-based practice in pharmacies2015/09/01English1
The role of community pharmacists in patient counseling and health education: a survey of their knowledge and level of involvement in relation to type 2 diabetes mellitus2017/07/01English1
Clients’ perception and satisfaction toward service provided by pharmacy professionals at a teaching hospital in Ethiopia2016/11/01English1
Collaborative Medication Reviews to Identify Inappropriate Prescribing in Pre-Admission Medications at Emergency Department Short-Term Ward2021/04/01English1
Considering the Potential Benefits of Over-the-Counter Naloxone2021/02/01English1
Pharmacovigilance: pharmacists’ perspective on spontaneous adverse drug reaction reporting2017/03/01English1
Clinical impact of a pharmacist-led inpatient anticoagulation service: a review of the literature2016/05/01English1
Pharmacist, general practitioner, and nurse perceptions, experiences, and knowledge of medication dosage form modification2013/12/01English1
Biosimilars Would Reduce Health Care Costs But Are Yet Poorly Known – Patient Survey Study Among Biological Medicine Users2024/02/01English
Impact of Clinical Pharmacist-Led Interventions on Drug-Related Problems Among Pediatric Cardiology Patients: First Palestinian Experience2022/08/01English
Request for Antimalarial Medicines and Their Dispensing Without a Prescription in Community Pharmacies in Rwanda2023/10/01English
The Extent of Antibiotic Dispensing in Self-Medication Encounters in Sudan: A Simulated Patient Study Focusing on Cefixime Sale2023/11/01English
Adherence to Good Pharmacy Practices by Community Pharmacies in Lebanon and Opportunities for Quality Improvement: It is Time to Act2023/01/01English
Community Pharmacists’ Views on the Early Stages of Implementation of a National Pilot Independent Prescribing Service in Wales: A Qualitative Study2023/01/01English
Knowledge, Attitude and Practice of Pharmacy Professionals Against Dispensing Antibiotics Without Prescription in Ethiopia2022/11/01English
Access to Medicines and Pharmaceutical Policy in Saudi Arabia: A Scoping Review2023/07/01English
Exploring Changes in Attitudes, Behaviors, and Self-Measured Health Data Through Lifestyle Modification Support by Community Pharmacists: Suito-Ogaki Selfcare (SOS) Trial2023/04/01English
<p>Big data in pharmacy practice: current use, challenges, and the future [Corrigendum]</p>2019/02/01English
<p>Pharmacy student professional identity formation: a scoping review</p>2019/03/01English
<p>A quantitative insight of the interactions of prescribers with pharmaceutical organization’s representatives in clinical settings of Karachi</p>2019/07/01English
Personalized medicines &ndash; are pharmacists ready for the challenge?2018/09/01English
<p>Pharmacists and medication reconciliation: a review of recent literature</p>2019/04/01English
<p>Hospital–pharmacy cooperative training and drug-taking compliance in outpatients with chronic pain: a case–control study</p>2019/07/01English
Does an integrated information technology system provide support for community pharmacists undertaking Discharge Medicines Reviews? An exploratory study2017/09/01English
Defining pharmacy and its practice: a conceptual model for an international audience2017/05/01English
Pharmacy travel health services: current perspectives and future prospects2018/03/01English
Role of pharmacists in optimizing the use of anticancer drugs in the clinical setting2014/02/01English