Genetics and intelligence: Recent data | 1980/01/01 | English | 180 |
Still just 1 g: Consistent results from five test batteries | 2008/01/01 | English | 179 |
Where smart brains are different: A quantitative meta-analysis of functional and structural brain imaging studies on intelligence | 2015/07/01 | English | 167 |
ACT and general cognitive ability | 2008/03/01 | English | 165 |
A unitary executive function predicts intelligence in children | 2012/09/01 | English | 165 |
Sex differences in mental rotation and spatial visualization ability: Can they be accounted for by differences in working memory capacity? | 2007/05/01 | English | 159 |
Sex differences on the progressive matrices: A meta-analysis | 2004/09/01 | English | 158 |
In vivo brain size and intelligence | 1991/04/01 | English | 158 |
Which working memory functions predict intelligence? | 2008/11/01 | English | 156 |
Deliberate practice: Is that all it takes to become an expert? | 2014/07/01 | English | 154 |
Localizing age-related individual differences in a hierarchical structure | 2004/12/01 | English | 150 |
‘Fake news’: Incorrect, but hard to correct. The role of cognitive ability on the impact of false information on social impressions | 2017/11/01 | English | 142 |
Infant recognition memory and later intelligence | 1981/04/01 | English | 141 |
Are intelligence tests measurement invariant over time? Investigating the nature of the Flynn effect | 2004/09/01 | English | 134 |
A psychometric evaluation of the Mayer–Salovey–Caruso Emotional Intelligence Test Version 2.0 | 2005/05/01 | English | 134 |
Working memory, short-term memory, and naming speed as predictors of children's mathematical performance | 2007/03/01 | English | 134 |
Beyond g: Putting multiple intelligences theory to the test | 2006/09/01 | English | 131 |
Is creativity without intelligence possible? A Necessary Condition Analysis | 2016/07/01 | English | 130 |
The construct of general intelligence | 1979/04/01 | English | 130 |
Working memory and fluid intelligence in young children | 2010/11/01 | English | 130 |
Verbal fluency and creativity: General and specific contributions of broad retrieval ability (Gr) factors to divergent thinking | 2013/09/01 | English | 130 |
Working memory training does not improve intelligence in healthy young adults | 2012/11/01 | English | 129 |
The Rainbow Project: Enhancing the SAT through assessments of analytical, practical, and creative skills | 2006/07/01 | English | 128 |
Working memory capacity and fluid abilities: Examining the correlation between Operation Span and Raven | 2005/02/01 | English | 128 |
Intergenerational social mobility and mid-life status attainment: Influences of childhood intelligence, childhood social factors, and education | 2005/09/01 | English | 126 |
Complex problem solving — More than reasoning? | 2012/01/01 | English | 126 |
Are cognitive g and academic achievement g one and the same g? An exploration on the Woodcock–Johnson and Kaufman tests | 2012/03/01 | English | 123 |
Neural efficiency as a function of task demands | 2014/01/01 | English | 123 |
Gray matter correlates of fluid, crystallized, and spatial intelligence: Testing the P-FIT model | 2009/03/01 | English | 121 |
The higher-order model imposes a proportionality constraint: That is why the bifactor model tends to fit better | 2016/03/01 | English | 120 |