Journal of Computer and System Sciences

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Algebraic characterizations and block product decompositions for first order logic and its infinitary quantifier extensions over countable words2023/09/01English
From symmetry to asymmetry: Generalizing TSP approximations by parametrization2023/09/01English
Controlling entity integrity with key sets2023/09/01English
Deletion to scattered graph classes II - improved FPT algorithms for deletion to pairs of graph classes2023/09/01English
Finding k-secluded trees faster2023/12/01English
Editorial Board2023/09/01English
Editorial BoardEnglish
Labeled sample compression schemes for complexes of oriented matroidsEnglish
Editorial BoardEnglish
On the parameterized complexity of interval scheduling with eligible machine setsEnglish
Editorial Board2024/03/01English
Preprocessing to reduce the search space: Antler structures for feedback vertex setEnglish
A cop and robber game on edge-periodic temporal graphsEnglish
Decidable problems in substitution shiftsEnglish
Packing arc-disjoint cycles in oriented graphsEnglish
On kernels for d-path vertex coverEnglish
Parameterized complexity of categorical clustering with size constraints2023/09/01English
On the exact amount of missing information that makes finding possible winners hard2023/08/01English
Grid recognition: Classical and parameterized computational perspectives2023/09/01English
Deep kernelization for the Tree Bisection and Reconnection (TBR) distance in phylogeneticsEnglish
The maximal coordination principle in regulatory Boolean networksEnglish
On the binary and Boolean rank of regular matrices2023/06/01English
On the parameterized complexity of clustering problems for incomplete data2023/06/01English
Decentralized deadlock-free enforcement of message orderings in message-based systemsEnglish
Online Computation with Untrusted Advice2024/04/01English
A near-linear kernel for bounded-state parsimony distance2024/03/01English
The satisfiability problem for a quantitative fragment of PCTL2024/02/01English
On the complexity of the storyplan problem2024/02/01English
Perpetual maintenance of machines with different urgency requirements2024/02/01English
Mengerian graphs: Characterization and recognition2024/02/01English