Public Opinion Quarterly

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Television News, Real-World Cues, and Changes in the Public Agenda1985/01/01244
The Nature of Political Ideology in the Contemporary Electorate2009/01/01English244
Is It Really Racism?: The Origins of White Americans' Opposition to Race-Targeted Policies1997/01/01239
Stimulating Responses to Mailed Questionnaires: A Review1975/01/01236
Total Survey Error: Past, Present, and Future2010/01/01English236
What Can We Learn with Statistical Truth Serum?2013/01/01English235
Cohort Differences in Tolerance of Homosexuality: Attitudinal Change in Canada and the United States, 1981-20002008/05/02English234
Psychological Needs and Values Underlying Left-Right Political Orientation: Cross-National Evidence from Eastern and Western Europe2007/06/05English232
What Do We Measure When We Measure Affective Polarization?2019/01/01English230
Riding the Wave and Claiming Ownership Over Issues: The Joint Effects of Advertising and News Coverage in Campaigns1994/01/01229
Improving Response to Web and Mixed-Mode Surveys2011/05/18English227
The Polls Trends: Twenty Years of Public Opinion about Global Warming2007/08/11English227
Social Trust and Attitudes Toward Democracy2008/11/06English226
Information Flow and the Stability of Partisan Attitudes1962/01/01226
Methods of Measuring Opinion Leadership1962/01/01224
Biased Press or Biased Public? Attitudes Toward Media Coverage of Social Groups1992/01/01220
Internet Use and Civic Engagement2003/01/01English219
Yea-Saying, Nay-Saying, and Going to Extremes: Black-White Differences in Response Styles1984/01/01218
Using Survey Participants to Estimate the Impact of Nonparticipation1995/01/01216
Ideologues without Issues: The Polarizing Consequences of Ideological Identities2018/01/01English215
Meaning and Measurement in Cross-National Research on Satisfaction with Democracy2001/01/01213
The Measurement of Advertising Involvement1966/01/01213
Trends: Racial Differences in Attitudes Toward the Police1997/01/01212
Playing the Race Card in the Post-Willie Horton Era: The Impact of Racialized Code Words on Support for Punitive Crime Policy2005/01/01English212
Construct Validity and Error Components of Survey Measures: A Structural Modeling Approach1984/01/01211
Where You Stand Depends Upon Where Your Grandparents Sat: The Inheritability of Generalized Trust2008/11/06English211
Underreporting of Substance Use in a National Longitudinal Youth Cohort: Individual and Interviewer Effects1988/01/01210
A Psychology of Rumor1944/01/01209
"Global warming" or "climate change"?: Whether the planet is warming depends on question wording2011/02/21English209
A Cross-Cutting Calm2016/01/01English208