Empirical Research in Vocational Education and Training

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Guiding workplace learning in vocational education and training: a literature review2017/04/18English32
Continuing professional development of vocational teachers: participation in a Swedish national initiative2015/07/15English30
Why is the pipeline leaking? Experiences of young women in STEM vocational education and training and their adjustment strategies2016/02/01English28
Promoting workforce excellence: formation and relevance of vocational identity for vocational educational training2014/04/25English23
VET or general education? Effects of regional opportunity structures on educational attainment in German-speaking Switzerland2016/07/15English21
Technical and vocational education and training (TVET) for young people in low- and middle-income countries: a systematic review and meta-analysis2013/12/01English21
The relevance of transversal competences in vocational education and training: a bibliometric analysis2020/11/06English21
Vocational training in India: determinants of participation and effect on wages2019/01/21English19
Spatial structure counts: the relevance of regional labour-market conditions for educational transitions to vocational training2015/11/02English19
Multidisciplinary digital competencies of pre-service vocational teachers2021/02/22English17
Evaluating the pedagogical content knowledge of pre- and in-service teachers of business and economics to ensure quality of classroom practice in vocational education and training2016/06/14English16
Reliability and validity of a computer-based assessment of cognitive and non-cognitive facets of problem-solving competence in the business domain2016/07/19English16
How do the digital competences of students in vocational schools differ from those of students in cooperative higher education institutions in Germany?2020/06/15English15
Vision 2030 and reducing the stigma of vocational and technical training among Saudi Arabian students2020/04/11English14
Promoting VET teachers’ individual and social learning activities: the empowering and purposeful role of transformational leadership, interdependence, and self-efficacy2015/03/22English13
The challenge of assessing financial literacy: alternative data analysis methods within the Italian context2018/11/21English12
Recommendations for confronting vocational education dropout: a literature review2017/12/01English12
How do apprentices moderate the influence of organizational innovation on the technological innovation process?2021/01/01English12
Understanding diversity: a Dutch case study on teachers’ attitudes towards their diverse student population2017/01/17English12
Apprentice–trainer relationship and work group integration in the first months of an apprenticeship2016/06/01English12
Emotional states during learning situations and students’ self-regulation: process-oriented analysis of person-situation interactions in the vocational classroom2016/09/26English11
Practices and strategies for enhancing learning through collaboration between vocational teacher training institutions and workplaces2021/03/29English11
The influence of informal learning opportunities on adolescents’ financial literacy2019/10/07English11
Changes in the professionality of vocational teachers as viewed through the experiences of long-serving vocational teachers in Estonia2016/09/26English10
Drop-out in dual VET: why we should consider the drop-out direction when analysing drop-out2022/01/17English10
Associations between vocational students’ perceptions of goal structures, mastery goals, and self-efficacy in five subjects—practical relevance as a potential mediator2019/06/04English10
Effective curricula for at-risk students in vocational education: a study of teachers’ practice2019/01/10English10
Determinants of competence development in accounting in upper secondary education2015/09/23English10
The impact of university teacher training on prospective teachers’ CK and PCK – a comparison between Austria and Germany2015/03/08English9
The completion behaviour of registered apprentices in Canada: who continues, who quits, and who completes programs?2013/07/16English9