Ben Jonson Journal

Title Publication Date Language Citations
“You Need Not Fear the House”2006/01/01English6
Hearing or Seeing a Play?2001/01/01English5
Ben Jonson's Classicism Revisited2014/11/01English5
Talking with Ghosts: Ben Jonson and the English Civil War2010/05/01English5
Economies of Obligation in Eastward Ho2004/01/01English4
Ben Jonson and the Politics of “Conversion”: Catiline and the Relocation of Roman (Catholic) Virtue2012/11/01English4
Shakespeare's Comedic “Golden Mean”2011/05/01English4
With a “Monster's Heart”: Jonson's Caesar and the Destruction of Roman Liberty2013/11/01English3
Aemilia Lanyer and Ben Jonson1994/01/01English3
Ben Jonson's Catholicism2012/11/01English3
Judging Jonson: Ben Jonson's Satirical Self-Defense in Poetaster2017/05/01English3
In Defense of the Marketplace2001/01/01English3
Jonson and the Gunpowder Plot1998/01/01English3
John Marston’s What You Will and the War of the Theaters2006/01/01English3
Private Conscience, Public Reform, and Disguised Rule in The Malcontent and Measure for Measure2014/05/01English2
“I will write satires still, in spite of fear”: History, Satire, and Free Speech in Poetaster and Sejanus2007/11/01English2
Ben Jonson's Late Plays and the Difficulty of Judgment2007/11/01English2
Stefan Zweig's Volpone, eine lieblose Komödie on Stage in Austria and Germany (1926–1927)2007/05/01English2
“Thou Trade which didst sustaine my poverty”: Thomas Heywood's The Four Prentices of London and the Emergence of a Rhetorical Counterpublic2017/11/01English2
The Audacity of Measure for Measure in 16212001/01/01English2
Valeat res ludicra1998/01/01English2
Lover, Poisoner, Counterfeiter2000/01/01English2
Robert Southwell2000/01/01English2
The Sociability Cure: Expelling the Plague in Ben Jonson's Epicoene2012/11/01English2
Jonson's Acoustic-Oriented Dramaturgy in the First Folio Playtexts ofEpicoeneandThe Alchemist2018/05/01English2
“Of things as yet unborne”: The Poetics of Fantasy in John Marston's What You Will2018/05/01English2
Eastward Ho and the Strength of Weak Ties for Playwrights and Patrons2015/11/01English2
Jonson, Marston, Shakespeare and the Rhetoric of Topicality2020/11/01English2
Service as Mastery in The Alchemist2010/05/01English2
“'Tis New to Thee”: Power, Magic, and Early Science in Shakespeare's The Tempest2015/05/01English2