
Title Publication Date Language Citations
Iron Reduction and Soil Phosphorus Solubilization in Humid Tropical Forests Soils: The Roles of Labile Carbon Pools and an Electron Shuttle Compound2006/03/01English175
An Absorbing Markov Chain approach to understanding the microbial role in soil carbon stabilization2010/09/17English175
Tree species effects on coupled cycles of carbon, nitrogen, and acidity in mineral soils at a common garden experiment2012/01/06English172
Dynamic modeling of nitrogen losses in river networks unravels the coupled effects of hydrological and biogeochemical processes2009/01/07English165
A River's Liver – Microbial Processes within the Hyporheic Zone of a Large Lowland River2005/11/01English163
Improving estimates of maximal organic carbon stabilization by fine soil particles2011/11/22English163
Biological and photochemical transformations of amino acids and lignin phenols in riverine dissolved organic matter2010/04/07English162
Paradigm shifts in soil organic matter research affect interpretations of aquatic carbon cycling: transcending disciplinary and ecosystem boundaries2014/01/18English160
Root carbon inputs to the rhizosphere stimulate extracellular enzyme activity and increase nitrogen availability in temperate forest soils2012/12/21English160
Carbon input differences as the main factor explaining the variability in soil organic C storage in no-tilled compared to inversion tilled agrosystems2011/04/02English159
Topsoil organic carbon storage of China and its loss by cultivation2005/05/01English159
Integrating microbial ecology into ecosystem models: challenges and priorities2011/09/03English158
Regional Assessment of N Saturation using Foliar and Root $$\varvec {\delta}^{\bf 15}{\bf N}$$2006/07/12English155
Shedding light on plant litter decomposition: advances, implications and new directions in understanding the role of photodegradation2012/06/10English152
Origins and bioavailability of dissolved organic matter in groundwater2014/09/05English151
The importance of abiotic reactions for nitrous oxide production2015/11/25English150
Effect of salinity-altering pulsing events on soil organic carbon loss along an intertidal wetland gradient: a laboratory experiment2013/04/09English147
The Temperature Response of CO2 Production from Bulk Soils and Soil Fractions is Related to Soil Organic Matter Quality2005/09/01English147
Dissolved organic carbon chemistry and dynamics in contrasting forest and grassland soils2008/06/01English146
Long-term black carbon dynamics in cultivated soil2008/07/01English146
Nitrogen addition changes grassland soil organic matter decomposition2015/06/29English145
Temperature sensitivity of greenhouse gas production in wetland soils of different vegetation2011/01/29English145
A framework for representing microbial decomposition in coupled climate models2011/08/24English145
The C:N:P:S stoichiometry of soil organic matter2016/09/23English143
The interactive effects of excess reactive nitrogen and climate change on aquatic ecosystems and water resources of the United States2012/10/23English142
Nitrate sources and watershed denitrification inferred from nitrate dual isotopes in the Beijiang River, south China2009/04/08English141
Litter decay rates are determined by lignin chemistry2011/04/05English141
Estimating the molecular composition of a diverse range of natural organic materials from solid-state 13C NMR and elemental analyses2005/01/01English140
Stream dissolved organic matter bioavailability and composition in watersheds underlain with discontinuous permafrost2009/04/23English139
The High Arctic glacial ecosystem: new insights from nutrient budgets2005/02/01English139