Geoenergy Science and Engineering

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Control of complex lithofacies on the shale oil potential in ancient alkaline lacustrine basins: The Fengcheng Formation, Mahu Sag, Junggar basin2023/05/01English7
Visualization of thermo-magnetic natural convective heat flow in a square enclosure partially filled with a porous medium using bejan heatlines and Hooman energy flux vectors: Hybrid fuel cell simulation2023/05/01English7
Mechanical properties and dynamic multifractal characteristics of shale under anisotropic stress using AE technology2023/07/01English7
Review on pore-network modeling studies of gas-condensate flow: Pore structure, mechanisms, and implementations2023/07/01English7
Utilizing integrated artificial intelligence for characterizing mineralogy and facies in a pre-salt carbonate reservoir, Santos Basin, Brazil, using cores, wireline logs, and multi-mineral petrophysical evaluation2023/12/01English7
Effect of Qusaiba shale formation on high-pressure high-temperature drilling fluids properties2023/05/01English6
Synthesis of sustainable one-part geopolymers for well cementing applications2023/08/01English6
Experimental investigation on pores and permeability variation characteristics of coal treated by chemical solvents2023/04/01English6
Effect of organic matter, thermal maturity and clay minerals on pore formation and evolution in the Gulong Shale, Songliao Basin, China2023/04/01English6
Integrity assessment of supercritical CO2 transport pipelines2023/02/01English6
Experimental investigation of the acidizing effects on the mechanical properties of carbonated rocks2023/03/01English6
Molecular simulation calculation method for shale gas adsorption in realistic shale model2023/03/01English6
Research on cutter surface shapes and rock breaking efficiency under high well temperature2023/03/01English6
Waste cooking oil invert emulsion drilling mud formulation with an effective H2S scavenging performance2023/09/01English6
H2S scavenging performance and rheological properties of water-based drilling fluids comprising ZIF-672023/09/01English6
Optimization of machine learning approaches for shale gas production forecast2023/07/01English6
Microstructures of continental organic-rich shale and its adjacent siltstone and carbonate rocks—An example from the Lucaogou Formation, Jimusar Sag, Junggar Basin, NW China2023/06/01English6
Numerical investigations on performance of sc-CO2 sequestration associated with the evolution of porosity and permeability in low permeable saline aquifers2023/06/01English6
Effect of roughness characteristics of hydraulic fractures on the proppant transport using supercritical CO22023/08/01English6
Rock breakage and temperature variation of naturally worn PDC tooth during cutting of hard rock and soft rock2023/10/01English6
Experimental study on unstable imbibition characteristics of fracturing fluids at high pressures and temperatures in the tight continental reservoir2023/02/01English6
Impact of fracture set scales and aperture enlargement due to karstic dissolution on the fluid flow behavior of carbonate reservoirs: A workflow to include sub-seismic fractures in 3D simulation models2023/02/01English6
A novel method for evaluation of the spontaneous imbibition process in tight reservoir rocks: Mathematical model and experimental verification2023/04/01English6
Feasibility of foamed acid treatment in upper stimulation of fractured-vuggy dolomite reservoirs with bottom water2023/05/01English6
Effect of pressure pulse stimulation on imbibition displacement within a tight sandstone reservoir with local variations in porosity2023/07/01English6
Upscaling simulation method of fluid flow for fracturing-shut in-flowback-production process in tight oil reservoirs: Hysteresis effects of capillary pressure and relative permeability2023/07/01English6
Experimental study on fracture effect on the multiphase flow in ultra-low permeability sandstone based on LF-NMR2023/03/01English6
Role of sulfate ion on wettability alteration and oil mobilization in chalk reservoirs during modified salinity waterflooding2023/08/01English6
An integrated workflow for seismic interpretation, petrophysical and petrographical characterization for the clastic Mangahewa reservoir in Pohokura gas field, Taranaki Basin, New Zealand2023/10/01English5
EOR screening using optimized artificial neural network by sparrow search algorithm2023/10/01English5