Journal of Education and Work

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Expansive Learning at Work: Toward an activity theoretical reconceptualization2001/02/01English1,949
Learning as Apprentices in the Contemporary UK Workplace: creating and managing expansive and restrictive participation2003/12/01English222
Graduates' employment and the discourse of employability: a critical analysis2006/09/01English212
Forms of knowledge and curriculum coherence2009/07/01English182
Graduate employability and student attitudes and orientations to the labour market2007/09/01English175
Learning Through Work Experience2001/02/01English172
Employability in a Knowledge-driven Economy2003/06/01English111
A systematic review of current understandings of employability2015/11/07English105
Sociomaterial approaches to conceptualising professional learning and practice2012/02/01English104
The emergence of learners’ transformative agency in a Change Laboratory intervention2014/04/01English99
Opportunity structures then and now2009/11/01English90
The concept of transition system2008/09/01English88
The social stratification of the German VET system2015/03/27English88
The significance of individuals' dispositions in workplace learning: a case study of two teachers2004/06/01English87
Promoting learning and transfer between school and workplace2007/07/01English85
Recruiting an Elite? Employers' perceptions of graduate education and training2000/10/01English84
The work–study relationship: experiences of full‐time university students undertaking part‐time employment2010/11/01English83
Continuing professional development: Developing a vision2004/09/01English79
Education, globalisation and the ‘voice of knowledge’2009/07/01English74
Higher education, changing labour market and social mobility in the era of massification in China2015/07/02English73
Testing a model of undergraduate competence in employability skills and its implications for stakeholders2012/08/24English69
Creating a 'Modern Apprenticeship': A critique of the UK's multi-sector, social inclusion approach2003/03/01English69
Employability in a Knowledge-driven Economy [1]2003/01/0165
Learning at trade vocational school and learning at work: boundary crossing in apprentices’ everyday life2007/11/01English65
Is the Future Really Female? The Impact and Implications of Gender for 14-16 Year Olds' Career Choices2002/03/01English64
Earning and learning: how term-time employment impacts on students' adjustment to university life2005/06/01English63
Combining Work and Study: an empirical study of full‐time students in school, college and university∗1998/03/01English63
Why are higher education participation rates in Germany so low? Institutional barriers to higher education expansion2011/02/01English63
A European skills framework?—but what are skills? Anglo‐Saxon versus German concepts2006/07/01English62
Vocational teachers’ identity formation through boundary crossing2012/11/09English61