Policing and Society

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Asymmetry in the Impact of Encounters with Police2006/06/01English431
Contact and confidence: revisiting the impact of public encounters with the police2009/03/01English292
Police occupational culture: classic themes, altered times2009/11/20English286
Policing and social identity: procedural justice, inclusion and cooperation between police and public2012/09/27English243
Encouraging public cooperation and support for police2008/06/01English233
Media and public perceptions of the police: examining the impact of race and personal experience2011/02/15English135
Why reforms fail2008/03/01English132
Security in the age of networks2004/03/01English123
The impact of the Rodney king incident on citizen attitudes toward police1994/03/01English122
Promoting trust in police: findings from a randomised experimental field trial of procedural justice policing2013/12/03English115
Police research, officer surveys, and response rates2017/10/27English105
Policing by risks and targets: Some dimensions and implications of intelligence‐led crime control2000/01/01English99
Algorithmic prediction in policing: assumptions, evaluation, and accountability2016/11/08English95
Race/ethnicity and perceptions of the police: a comparison of White, Black, Asian and Hispanic Americans2013/04/09English94
Does procedural justice matter to youth? Comparing adults' and youths' willingness to collaborate with police2013/06/04English88
Rotten Orchards: "Pestilence", Police Misconduct and System Failure*2003/01/01English88
Trust and compliance∗1994/05/01English86
The usual suspects: police stop and search practices in Canada2011/12/01English79
Reading the riots: whatwerethe police doing on Twitter?2013/12/01English69
Improving police interventions during mental health-related encounters: past, present and future2016/08/11English69
Taking police culture seriously: Police discretion and the limits of law†1990/09/01English68
Police Ethics and Integrity: Breaking the Blue Code of Silence2005/06/01English66
“Doing” Police Leadership: Enter the “New Smart Macho”2007/03/01English66
Intelligence-led policing and the problems of turning rhetoric into practice2002/01/01English66
Can police enhance public confidence by improving quality of service? Results from two surveys in England and Wales2012/12/01English65
Reassurance Policing, Community Policing and Measuring Police Performance2006/06/01English62
Media Influence on Citizen Attitudes Toward Police Effectiveness2002/01/01English61
Police reform: Who done it?2008/03/01English59
Police organisation and deadly force: an examination of variation across large and small cities2013/04/09English57
Enduring issues of police culture and demographics2008/03/01English55