Rangeland Ecology & Management

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Revegetating Russian Knapweed (Acroptilon Repens) Infestations Using Morphologically Diverse Species and Seedbed Preparation2007/07/01English
GPS Error in Studies Addressing Animal Movements and Activities2007/07/01English
The Spatial Patterns of Functional Groups and Successional Direction in a Coastal Dune Community2007/07/01English
Social Associations and Dominance of Individuals in Small Herds of Cattle2007/07/01English
Postfire Invasion Potential of Rush Skeletonweed (Chondrilla Juncea)2007/07/01English
Mapping Mesquite (Prosopis) Distribution and Density Using Visual Aerial Surveys2007/07/01English
Optimal Sampling Designs for Monitoring Plant Frequency2007/07/01English
Seed Germination Strategies of Desmostachya Bipinnata: A Fodder Crop for Saline Soils2007/07/01English
Number of Samples Required for Estimating Herbaceous Biomass2007/07/01English
Trait Response and Change in Genetic Variation upon Selection for Spike Number in Salina Wildrye2018/07/01English
Table of Contents2016/01/01English
Editorial Board2017/01/01English
Table of Contents2017/01/01English
Table of Contents2017/03/01English
Natural Resource Experience Affects Engagement with Emotionally Primed Presentations of Science2018/03/01English
Table of Contents2016/11/01English
Editorial Board2016/11/01English
Editorial Board/Journal Info2023/05/01English
Gradient Analysis and Classification of Tall Forb Communities in the Bridger-Teton National Forest, United States2023/09/01English
Table of Contents2023/05/01English
Technical Note on Bison Conservation and Bison Ranching in Canada2024/05/01English
Herders’ Preferences for Maintaining Yak Herding in the Eastern Himalayas2024/05/01English
Adaptive Multipaddock (AMP) Pasture Management Increases Arthropod Community Guild Diversity Without Increasing Pests2024/05/01English
Sagebrush Ecosystems are More Than Artemisia: The Complex Issue of Degraded Understories in the Great Basin2024/05/01English
Evaluating Fecal DNA Metabarcoding to Estimate the Dietary Botanical Composition of Goats2024/05/01English
Predicting Current and Future Habitat Suitability of an Endemic Species Using Data-Fusion Approach: Responses to Climate Change2024/05/01English
Summer Mule Deer Use of Annual Grass Herbicide-Treated Plots2024/05/01English
Sheep Winter Diets Parameterized With Fecal DNA Metabarcoding and Forage Sampling Informs Mineral Nutrition Management2024/05/01English
Plot-Measured Variables Indicate Landscape-Scale Patterns of Annual Grass Invasion in Northwestern US Rangelands2024/01/01English
Spatio-Temporal Analysis of Land Use/Land Cover Change and the Implications on Sustainable Development Goals in the Vea Catchment of Ghana2024/05/01English