The European Physical Journal C

Title Publication Date Language Citations
A search for μ-e conversion in muonic gold2006/05/30English438
HiggsBounds-4: improved tests of extended Higgs sectors against exclusion bounds from LEP, the Tevatron and the LHC2014/03/01English411
Review of lattice results concerning low-energy particle physics2017/02/01English406
The scale dependent nuclear effects in parton distributions for practical applications1999/06/01English406
The global electroweak fit at NNLO and prospects for the LHC and ILC2014/09/01English400
Deep-inelastic inclusive ep scattering at low x and a determination of $\alpha_s$2001/06/01English399
Black hole thermodynamical entropy2013/07/01English397
Precise determination of the mass of the Higgs boson and tests of compatibility of its couplings with the standard model predictions using proton collisions at 7 and 8 $$\,\text {TeV}$$ TeV2015/05/01English393
HiggsSignals: Confronting arbitrary Higgs sectors with measurements at the Tevatron and the LHC2014/02/01English389
Heavy-flavour and quarkonium production in the LHC era: from proton–proton to heavy-ion collisions2016/02/29English384
Final model independent result of DAMA/LIBRA–phase12013/11/26English363
EPPS16: nuclear parton distributions with LHC data2017/03/01English361
Study of high-p T charged particle suppression in PbPb compared to pp collisions at $\sqrt{s_{\mathrm{NN}}}=2.76~\mathrm{TeV}$2012/03/01English361
QCD and strongly coupled gauge theories: challenges and perspectives2014/10/01English352
Uncertainties on α S in global PDF analyses and implications for predicted hadronic cross sections2009/10/21English351
FCC Physics Opportunities2019/06/01English349
Averages of b-hadron, c-hadron, and $$\tau $$ τ -lepton properties as of summer 20162017/12/01English347
WHIZARD—simulating multi-particle processes at LHC and ILC2011/09/01English344
Combination of measurements of inclusive deep inelastic $${e^{\pm }p}$$ e ± p scattering cross sections and QCD analysis of HERA data2015/12/01English344
Finite-time future singularities in modified Gauss–Bonnet and ℱ(R,G) gravity and singularity avoidance2010/03/27English326
On the standard model predictions for $$R_K$$ R K and $$R_{K^*}$$ R K ∗2016/08/01English320
Review of lattice results concerning low-energy particle physics2014/09/01English320
Performance of the LHCb RICH detector at the LHC2013/05/01English320
A new evaluation of the hadronic vacuum polarisation contributions to the muon anomalous magnetic moment and to $$\varvec{\alpha }({{\varvec{m}}}_{{\varvec{Z}}}^2)$$2020/03/01English315
f(R,L m ) gravity2010/10/23English313
Measurement of the neutral current cross section and $\mathbf{F_2}$ structure function for deep inelastic $\mathbf{e^+p}$ scattering at HERA2001/07/01English303
Drell–Yan production at small q T , transverse parton distributions and the collinear anomaly2011/06/01English303
Accelerating universe from F(T) gravity2011/09/01English299
Event generator tunes obtained from underlying event and multiparton scattering measurements2016/03/01English299
Chern–Simons theory with vector fermion matter2012/08/01English297