Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics

Title Publication Date Language Citations
A new version of the NeQuick ionosphere electron density model2008/12/01English496
Review of radiation belt relativistic electron losses2007/03/01English372
The Lyon–Fedder–Mobarry (LFM) global MHD magnetospheric simulation code2004/10/01English370
Review of modeling of losses and sources of relativistic electrons in the outer radiation belt II: Local acceleration and loss2008/11/01English355
The global ionosphere–thermosphere model2006/05/01English305
Electrodynamics in the low and middle latitude ionosphere: a tutorial2004/07/01English265
Forcing of the ionosphere by waves from below2006/02/01English260
Stream structure and coronal sources of the solar wind during the May 12th, 1997 CME2004/10/01English256
Modeling the microphysics of mesospheric ice particles: Assessment of current capabilities and basic sensitivities2006/04/01English222
C/NOFS: a mission to forecast scintillations2004/11/01English221
ANFIS, SVM and ANN soft-computing techniques to estimate daily global solar radiation in a warm sub-humid environment2017/03/01English192
An empirical Kp-dependent global auroral model based on TIMED/GUVI FUV data2008/06/01English186
Review of modeling of losses and sources of relativistic electrons in the outer radiation belt I: Radial transport2008/11/01English180
Main phenomenological features of ionospheric precursors of strong earthquakes2003/11/01English178
Improvement of global ionospheric VTEC maps by using kriging interpolation technique2005/11/01English168
The Aeronomy of Ice in the Mesosphere (AIM) mission: Overview and early science results2009/03/01English159
The dual role of ELF/VLF chorus waves in the acceleration and precipitation of radiation belt electrons2007/03/01English159
Impact of different energies of precipitating particles on NOx generation in the middle and upper atmosphere during geomagnetic storms2009/07/01English158
Air ionization at rock surfaces and pre-earthquake signals2009/12/01English153
Downward atmospheric longwave irradiance under clear and cloudy skies: Measurement and parameterization2003/07/01English144
Recent advances in real-time analysis of ionograms and ionospheric drift measurements with digisondes2005/08/01English143
Empirical evidence for a celestial origin of the climate oscillations and its implications2010/08/01English142
Long-range transport of aerosols from agriculture crop residue burning in Indo-Gangetic Plains—A study using LIDAR, ground measurements and satellite data2009/01/01English142
Latitudinal and longitudinal variability of mesospheric winds and temperatures during stratospheric warming events2007/12/01English140
Mean and variable forcing of the middle atmosphere by gravity waves2006/02/01English123
How the Earth's inner magnetosphere works: An evolving picture2007/03/01English122
Global plasmaspheric TEC and its relative contribution to GPS TEC2008/08/01English122
Geoefficiency and energy partitioning in CIR-driven and CME-driven storms2009/07/01English121
The THEMIS all-sky imaging array—system design and initial results from the prototype imager2006/09/01English117
Lightning, thermodynamic and hydrological comparison of the two tropical continental chimneys2004/09/01English117