International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer

Title Publication Date Language Citations
The modelling of heat, mass and solute transport in solidification systems1989/09/01English362
Accurate solutions of moving boundary problems using the enthalpy method1981/03/01English354
Review of spray cooling – Part 1: Single-phase and nucleate boiling regimes, and critical heat flux2017/12/01English354
A new branch of solutions of boundary-layer flows over an impermeable stretched plate2005/06/01English353
Effect of interfacial nanolayer on the effective thermal conductivity of nanoparticle-fluid mixture2005/07/01English353
The mechanism of heat transfer in nucleate pool boiling—Part I1965/06/01English353
Investigation of flow boiling in horizontal tubes: Part I—A new diabatic two-phase flow pattern map2005/07/01English352
A critical review on heat transfer augmentation of phase change materials embedded with porous materials/foams2019/06/01English352
Shape effects of nanosize particles in Cu–H2O nanofluid on entropy generation2015/02/01English351
Effect of liquid layering at the liquid–solid interface on thermal transport2004/09/01English350
Surface wettability control by nanocoating: The effects on pool boiling heat transfer and nucleation mechanism2009/11/01English350
MHD free convection of Al2O3–water nanofluid considering thermal radiation: A numerical study2016/05/01English348
Systems of differential equations of heat and mass transfer in capillary-porous bodies (review)1975/01/01English347
Heat and momentum transfer in smooth and rough tubes at various prandtl numbers1963/05/01English346
Numerical and experimental study of melting in a spherical shell2007/05/01English346
Thermal contact conductance; theoretical considerations1974/02/01English346
Thermal instability in a porous medium layer saturated by a nanofluid2009/12/01English344
An investigation of heat transfer and friction for rib-roughened surfaces1978/08/01English343
Effect of aggregation and interfacial thermal resistance on thermal conductivity of nanocomposites and colloidal nanofluids2008/03/01English343
Experimental and computational study of constrained melting of phase change materials (PCM) inside a spherical capsule2009/07/01English330
Thermal regulation of building-integrated photovoltaics using phase change materials2004/06/01English329
A general optimization method using adjoint equation for solving multidimensional inverse heat conduction1991/11/01English329
Analysis of diffusion in macroporous media in terms of a porosity, a tortuosity and a constrictivity factor1974/09/01English328
Natural-convection heat transfer from a plate with arbitrary inclination1972/04/01English327
Development of new correlations for convective heat transfer and friction factor in turbulent regime for nanofluids2010/10/01English325
Thermal conductivities study on silica aerogel and its composite insulation materials2011/05/01English324
Heat transfer simulation of heat storage unit with nanoparticles and fins through a heat exchanger2019/06/01English324
A study of nucleate boiling heat transfer on hydrophilic, hydrophobic and heterogeneous wetting surfaces2011/12/01English321
Condensation heat transfer in the presence of noncondensables, interfacial resistance, superheating, variable properties, and diffusion1966/10/01English317
The microlayer in nucleate pool boiling1969/08/01English315