Educational Philosophy and Theory

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Teaching for human dignity: Making room for children and teachers in contemporary schools2024/04/08English
The impracticality of practical research: a history of contemporary sciences of change that conserveThe impracticality of practical research: a history of contemporary sciences of change that conserve by Thomas S. Popkewitz, University of Michigan Press, 2020, 298 pp., USD34.95 (paper), ISBN 978-0-472-03774-2 (paper)2023/11/07English
Non-affirmative theory of education and BildungNon-affirmative theory of education and Bildung, by Michael Uljens, Springer Cham, 2023, 377 pp., Hardcover ISBN: 978-3-031-30550-4, USD 52.60, Softcover ISBN: 978-3-031-30553-5, USD 39.99, eBook ISBN: 978-3-031-30551-12023/11/07English
Conceptualising praxis, agency and learning: A postabyssal exploration to strengthen the struggle over alternative futures2024/03/29English
Humility’s role in the student voice for social justice pedagogical method2024/03/28English
Cultivating criticality through transformative critical thinking curriculums in a time of flux and transformation2024/03/20English
Freire and environmentalism: ecopedagogyFreire and environmentalism: ecopedagogy, by Greg W.Misiaszek, Bloomsbury, 2023, 160 pp., USD 17.95 (paperback), ISBN: 978-1-3502-9209-32024/03/14English
Beyond hope and despair: The radical imagination as a collective practice for uprising2024/03/26English
In remembrance of a friend, intellectual visionary, change-maker, and great teacher: A tribute to David John Major Neilson (1957–2022)2023/04/03English
Practicing truth-telling inquiry: Parrhesia in daily lived experiences2023/03/03English
Bostad, I., Papastephanou, M., and Strand, T. (editors) (2023). Justice, Education, and the World of Today Philosophical Investigations2023/07/28English
‘Dance with shackles on’: Navigating critical thinking in English language classrooms during COVID-19 and beyond2023/07/26English
Citizenship matters: Young citizen becoming in the posthuman present2023/01/04English
Educating (for) the blossomest of blossoms: Finitude and the temporal arc of the counterfactual2023/01/03English
Using normative case studies to examine ethical dilemmas for educators in an ecological crisis2023/02/01English
Reflections on informal logic in China2023/01/02English
Revisiting Rancière’s ‘radical democracy’ for contemporary education policy analysis2024/04/18English
Book review as method writing philosophical autoethnography Book review as method: Writing philosophical autoethnography , edited by Alec Grant, Routledge, 2024, 314 pp., USD42.45 (paperback/e-book), ISBN 97810322291262024/04/15English
Opening up and closing down teachers’ political dialogues: Dialectic and dialogic strategic orientations2024/04/19English
Education for Sustainable Development: past experience, present action and future prospects2001/05/01
Thinking Again: modern or postmodern?2000/10/01
Postfoundational Philosophy of Education?2000/10/01
Ecological Consciousness in Traditional Chinese Aesthetics2001/05/01
Introduction to Symposium on Globalisation2002/02/01
Globalisation and its Consequences for Scholarship in Philosophy of Education2002/02/01
From Patronage to Profiteering? New Zealand's educational relationship with the small states of Oceania2002/02/01
Book Reviews2002/02/01
Ethics and educational technology: Reflection, interrogation, and design as a framework for practice,2023/09/11English