Lifetime Data Analysis

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Review and implementation of cure models based on first hitting times for Wiener processes2009/01/04English43
On Granger causality and the effect of interventions in time series2009/11/26English41
Dynamic path analysis—a new approach to analyzing time-dependent covariates2006/06/01English41
Defining causal mediation with a longitudinal mediator and a survival outcome2018/09/14English40
Evaluating the ROC performance of markers for future events2007/12/07English39
Simultaneous Modelling of Survival and Longitudinal Data with an Application to Repeated Quality of Life Measures2005/06/01English39
Two-Stage Estimation in Copula Models Used in Family Studies2005/09/01English38
Proportional hazards and threshold regression: their theoretical and practical connections2009/12/04English38
Analysis of cure rate survival data under proportional odds model2010/06/03English38
The National Wilms Tumor Study: a 40 year perspective2007/11/20English37
A general joint model for longitudinal measurements and competing risks survival data with heterogeneous random effects2010/06/12English37
Accelerated hazards mixture cure model2009/08/21English36
Penalized variable selection in competing risks regression2016/03/26English35
Evaluating hospital readmission rates in dialysis facilities; adjusting for hospital effects2013/05/26English35
Maximum likelihood analysis of semicompeting risks data with semiparametric regression models2011/08/18English34
Estimating the concordance probability in a survival analysis with a discrete number of risk groups2015/05/29English34
Adjusting for time-varying confounding in the subdistribution analysis of a competing risk2009/10/10English32
Additive–multiplicative rates model for recurrent events2010/03/14English31
A marginal regression model for multivariate failure time data with a surviving fraction2007/07/20English30
Cox regression analysis in presence of collinearity: an application to assessment of health risks associated with occupational radiation exposure2007/07/28English30
A review of phase 2–3 clinical trial designs2007/09/02English30
Regression analysis of multivariate recurrent event data with a dependent terminal event2010/03/10English30
Optimal treatment regimes for survival endpoints using a locally-efficient doubly-robust estimator from a classification perspective2016/08/01English29
Conditional screening for ultra-high dimensional covariates with survival outcomes2016/12/08English29
Bayesian analysis of generalized odds-rate hazards models for survival data2007/03/31English28
Understanding increments in model performance metrics2012/12/16English27
Regression analysis of informative current status data with the additive hazards model2014/07/31English27
Bayesian dynamic models for survival data with a cure fraction2006/11/30English27
Multilevel Mixed Linear Models for Survival Data2005/03/01English26
A competing risks approach for nonparametric estimation of transition probabilities in a non-Markov illness-death model2013/06/27English26