Lifetime Data Analysis

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Dynamic path analysis for event time data: large sample properties and inference2009/08/22English15
Models and estimation for systems with recurrent events and usage processes2010/03/11English15
Performance of goodness-of-fit tests for the Cox proportional hazards model with time-varying covariates2013/08/09English15
Analyzing center specific outcomes in hematopoietic cell transplantation2008/10/03English15
Regression analysis of current status data in the presence of a cured subgroup and dependent censoring2016/09/30English14
Bayesian dynamic regression models for interval censored survival data with application to children dental health2013/02/07English14
The analysis of multivariate recurrent events with partially missing event types2008/07/12English14
The competing risks Cox model with auxiliary case covariates under weaker missing-at-random cause of failure2017/08/04English14
Multivariate Parametric Spatiotemporal Models for County Level Breast Cancer Survival Data2005/03/01English14
Comparison of stopped Cox regression with direct methods such as pseudo-values and binomial regression2014/08/02English14
Nonparametric Estimation of Sojourn Time Distributions for Truncated Serial Event Data—a Weight-adjusted Approach2006/03/01English14
Censored cumulative residual independent screening for ultrahigh-dimensional survival data2017/05/26English14
Semiparametric estimation of treatment effect with time-lagged response in the presence of informative censoring2011/06/26English13
Confidence intervals for survival quantiles in the Cox regression model2006/10/20English13
Analysis of two-phase sampling data with semiparametric additive hazards models2016/03/19English13
The weighted log-rank class under truncated binomial design: saddlepoint p-values and confidence intervals2011/10/19English13
Graphical Tests for the Assumption of Gamma and Inverse Gaussian Frailty Distributions2005/12/01English13
A Power Analysis of Tests for Paired Lifetime Data2005/06/01English13
Evaluating incremental values from new predictors with net reclassification improvement in survival analysis2012/12/20English13
A generalization of Turnbull’s estimator for nonparametric estimation of the conditional survival function with interval-censored data2010/06/11English13
Nonparametric and semiparametric regression estimation for length-biased survival data2016/04/16English13
Longevity and concentration in survival times: the log-scale-location family of failure time models2016/02/01English13
ROC analysis for multiple markers with tree-based classification2012/10/10English12
What price semiparametric Cox regression?2018/09/14English12
A hybrid Newton-type method for censored survival data using double weights in linear models2006/08/18English12
A comparison of models for dynamic life tables. Application to mortality data from the Valencia Region (Spain)2006/06/01English12
Semiparametric analysis of mixture regression models with competing risks data2008/01/12English12
Distribution of the random future life expectancies in log-bilinear mortality projection models2007/06/21English12
Bayesian inference of the fully specified subdistribution model for survival data with competing risks2012/04/08English12
Regression analysis based on conditional likelihood approach under semi-competing risks data2012/03/11English12