Cognitive Neurodynamics

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Tensor decomposition-based channel selection for motor imagery-based brain-computer interfaces2023/02/25English
Effect of conscious conflict on the subliminal perception of table tennis players: from the electrophysiological evidence of ERP2023/01/29English
Category representation in primary visual cortex after visual perceptual learning2023/01/30English
Decoding temporal muscle synergy patterns based on brain activity for upper extremity in ADL movements2022/10/11English
Construction of the dynamic model of SCI rehabilitation using bidirectional stimulation and its application in rehabilitating with BCI2022/04/27English
Brain potentials related to violent video clips2022/04/28English
Enhancing in-situ updates of quantized memristor neural networks: a Siamese network learning approach2024/02/13English
Prediction of hippocampal electric field in time series induced by TI-DMS with temporal convolutional network2024/02/11English
EEGNet classification of sleep EEG for individual specialization based on data augmentation2024/02/12English
Solving general convex quadratic multi-objective optimization problems via a projection neurodynamic model2023/09/04English
Local signal variability and functional connectivity: Sensitive measures of the excitation-inhibition ratio?2023/09/02English
Random fluctuations and synaptic plasticity enhance working memory activities in the neuron–astrocyte network2023/09/01English
Identifying optimal channels and features for multi-participant motor imagery experiments across a participant’s multi-day multi-class EEG data2023/03/27English
EEG decoding for effects of visual joint attention training on ASD patients with interpretable and lightweight convolutional neural network2023/03/07English
An efficient memory reserving-and-fading strategy for vector quantization based 3D brain segmentation and tumor extraction using an unsupervised deep learning network2023/04/26English
GABA receptors mediate adaptation and sensitization processes in mouse retinal ganglion cells2023/04/08English
Modification of temporal pattern sensitivity for inputs from medial entorhinal cortex by lateral inputs in hippocampal granule cells2023/04/13English
Low frequency oscillations during hand laterality judgment task with and without personal perspectives: a preliminary study2023/05/11English
A novel nonlinear bispectrum analysis for dynamical complex oscillations2023/03/27English
Multiple topological representation self-organized by spike-timing-dependent synaptic learning rule2008/11/28English
Reduced multiple empirical kernel learning machine2014/07/29English
Neuronal dynamics during the learning of trace conditioning in a CA3 model of hippocampal function2013/10/22English
Deep-layer motif method for estimating information flow between EEG signals2022/01/05English
Diurnal rhythm regulates the frequency of carbachol-induced beta oscillation via inhibitory neural system in rat hippocampus2021/11/10English
Transcerebral information coordination in directional hippocampus-prefrontal cortex network during working memory based on bimodal neural electrical signals2022/02/28English
Primal-size neural circuits in meta-periodic interaction2020/07/01English
Application of expert system and LSTM in extracting index of synaptic plasticity2020/06/29English
Speech signal analysis of alzheimer’s diseases in farsi using auditory model system2020/10/13English
Spatial synaptic modulation through IP3 diffusion triggered by ECB: a computational study with an astrocyte-neurons model2021/04/18English