Indian Journal of Economics and Development

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Credit for Investment: Its Magnitude and Sources in Punjab Agriculture2018/01/01English2
Technical Efficiency of Groundnut Production in Saurashtra Region of Gujarat-A Translog Stochastic Frontier Approach2017/01/01English2
A Quick Method to Estimate Area under Modern Varieties of Rice2019/01/01English2
Progress and Performance of Protected Cultivation in Maharashtra2019/01/01English2
Impact of crop insurance on farmers’ income in Pune district of Maharashtra2017/01/01English2
Framework for doubling the income of wheat producers’ by 2022: trends, pathway and drivers2017/01/01English2
Factors influencing crop diversification as a tool to twofold farmers’ earnings in Uttarakhand2017/01/01English2
Direct seeded rice versus normal transplanted rice: An economic comparison2014/01/01English2
Organic farming: status and constraints2015/01/01English2
Role of farm inputs in sustaining Punjab agriculture2015/01/01English2
Infusion of farm mechanization technologies in Indian agriculture: progress and impact2015/01/01English2
Crop diversification for sustainable agricultural development: a case of Haryana (India)2015/01/01English2
Profit efficiency ofEgusimelon (Colocynthis citrullusvar.lanatus) production in Bida local government area of Niger State, Nigeria2015/01/01English2
Profitability of small-scale maize production in Niger state of Nigeria2014/01/01English2
Gender participation in ruralfarm household decision making: a case of Vaishali district, Bihar2015/01/01English2
Growth and instability of wheat production in Rajasthan2015/01/01English2
Determinants of Participation of Dairy Farmers in Dairy Cooperative Societies in Manipur2016/01/01English2
An Economic Analysis of Mushroom Marketing in Jammu and Kashmir2016/01/01English2
Estimating Taylor Type Rule for India's Monetary Policy using ARDL Approach to Co-integration2016/01/01English2
Periodical Deviation in Climate and its Impact on Agriculture in High Hill of Nepal, Jumla2016/01/01English2
Economic Feasibility of Micro-irrigation Methods for Wheat Under Irrigated Ecosystem of Central Punjab2016/01/01English2
Crop Diversification: Challenges of Switching Crops in Punjab2016/01/01English2
Role of Land Reforms in Eradicating Land Inequalities in Rural India2016/01/01English2
Inclusive Growth in India: Some Realities2019/01/01English2
Consumption, Expenditure and Demand Analysis of Milk and Milk Products in India2019/01/01English2
Levels, Pattern and Distribution of Consumption Expenditure among Farmers in Rural Punjab2016/01/01English1
Dynamics of Demand and Consumption of Pesticides in Agriculture-An Overview2016/01/01English1
Impact Assessment of Decentralized Rainwater Harvesting on Agriculture: A Case Study of Farm Ponds in Semi-arid Areas of Rajasthan2016/01/01English1
An Economic Analysis on Warehouse Receipts in Hyderabad-Karnataka Region: A Protective Measure Against Distress Sale of Agriculture Produce2016/01/01English1
Intensive Integrated Farming System Approach-A Vaccination to Cure Agrarian Crisis in the Punjab2016/01/01English1