
Title Publication Date Language Citations
DNA double strand break repair, chromosome synapsis and transcriptional silencing in meiosis2010/05/16English85
Genome-wide DNA methylation profiling of chronic lymphocytic leukemia allows identification of epigenetically repressed molecular pathways with clinical impact2010/08/16English85
Radiation-induced epigenetic DNA methylation modification of radiation-response pathways2013/08/01English85
Mendelian randomization supports causality between maternal hyperglycemia and epigenetic regulation of leptin gene in newborns2015/03/24English84
Differential DNA methylation in umbilical cord blood of infants exposed to mercury and arsenicin utero2015/04/29English84
Valproate induces DNA demethylation in nuclear extracts from adult mouse brain2010/11/01English84
Epigenetic gene silencing in the Wnt pathway in breast cancer2008/03/24English84
UHRF1, a modular multi-domain protein, regulates replication-coupled crosstalk between DNA methylation and histone modifications2009/01/01English84
5-azacytidine treatment reorganizes genomic histone modification patterns2010/04/01English84
Effect of high fat diet on paternal sperm histone distribution and male offspring liver gene expression2015/08/07English84
Epigenetic mechanisms regulating COVID-19 infection2020/07/30English84
Epigenetic regulation of estrogen signaling in breast cancer2013/03/01English84
Epigenetic regulation of miR-21 in colorectal cancer2013/10/22English83
Aging is associated with hypermethylation of autophagy genes in macrophages2016/05/03English83
Massive analysis of cDNA Ends (MACE) and miRNA expression profiling identifies proatherogenic pathways in chronic kidney disease2013/11/01English83
DNA methylation in porcine preimplantation embryos developed in vivo and produced by in vitro fertilization, parthenogenetic activation and somatic cell nuclear transfer2011/02/01English82
Neonatal DNA methylation patterns associate with gestational age2011/12/01English82
DNA methylation abnormalities in congenital heart disease2015/01/14English81
Regulation ofKEAP1expression by promoter methylation in malignant gliomas and association with patient’s outcome2011/03/01English80
Chromatin regulation: How complex does it get?2014/11/02English80
Role of DNA methylation in the regulation of the RANKL-OPG system in human bone2012/01/01English80
Epigenetics: The missing link to understanding β-cell dysfunction in the pathogenesis of type 2 diabetes2012/08/18English80
Long antisense non-coding RNAs function to direct epigenetic complexes that regulate transcription in human cells2009/07/01English80
The role of UBF in regulating the structure and dynamics of transcriptionally active rDNA chromatin2009/08/16English80
Cardiovascular disease risk factors and DNA methylation at theLINE-1repeat region in peripheral blood from Samoan Islanders2011/10/01English79
Aberrant hypermethylation ofmiR-9genes in gastric cancer2011/10/01English79
LINE-1 DNA methylation is inversely correlated with cord plasma homocysteine in man: A preliminary study2009/08/16English79
Epigenetic landscape of amphetamine and methamphetamine addiction in rodents2015/05/29English78
Aging and epigenetics: Longitudinal changes in gene-specific DNA methylation2012/01/01English78
Reconciling the positive and negative roles of histone H2A.Z in gene transcription2010/05/16English78