Contemporary School Psychology

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Middle School Transition Stress: Links with Academic Performance, Motivation, and School Experiences2015/01/21English75
Trauma-Informed Positive Education: Using Positive Psychology to Strengthen Vulnerable Students2015/08/15English64
Is Implementation Fidelity Important? A Systematic Review on School-Based Mental Health Programs2018/02/02English49
A Critical Review of Five Commonly Used Social-Emotional and Behavioral Screeners for Elementary or Secondary Schools2014/08/06English45
Yoga in Public School Improves Adolescent Mood and Affect2014/09/30English41
Effectiveness of Restorative Justice in US K-12 Schools: a Review of Quantitative Research2020/05/24English38
Factor Structure of the 10 WISC-V Primary Subtests Across Four Standardization Age Groups2017/05/31English37
Increasing Elementary School Students’ Subjective Well-Being Through a Classwide Positive Psychology Intervention: Results of a Pilot Study2015/07/14English34
Conducting Psychoeducational Assessments During the COVID-19 Crisis: the Danger of Good Intentions2020/06/02English29
Examining Racial Microaggressions, Race/Ethnicity, Gender, and Bilingual Status with School Psychology Students: the Role of Intersectionality2017/09/11English29
Conducting Universal Complete Mental Health Screening via Student Self-Report2015/07/16English28
Adapting and Implementing a School-Based Resilience-Building Curriculum Among Low-Income Racial and Ethnic Minority Students2017/06/29English27
Effects of a Culturally Adapted Social-Emotional Learning Intervention Program on Students’ Mental Health2015/06/03English24
Validation and Utility of the Social Emotional Health Survey—Secondary for Japanese Students2015/08/15English22
The Relationship between Mental Health, Acculturative Stress, and Academic Performance in a Latino Middle School Sample2014/02/27English22
The Effects of Physical Activity on Learning Behaviors in Elementary School Children: a Randomized Controlled Trial2017/07/17English22
Effects of Parental Chronic Illness on Children’s Psychosocial and Educational Functioning: a Literature Review2016/11/22English21
Job Burnout in School Psychology: How Big Is the Problem?2017/06/23English20
Recruitment of Diverse Students in School Psychology Programs: Direction for Future Research and Practice2014/02/15English20
When Theory Trumps Science: a Critique of the PSW Model for SLD Identification2016/04/26English19
Potential Psychosocial and Instructional Consequences of the Common Core State Standards: Implications for Research and Practice2015/01/06English19
School Climate, Discrimination, and Depressive Symptoms Among Asian American Adolescents2014/11/01English19
How Do School Psychologists Interpret Intelligence Tests for the Identification of Specific Learning Disabilities?2020/02/05English19
Parent-Teacher Relationships and Parental Involvement in Education in Latino Families2018/11/28English19
Methods for Assessing Single-Case School-Based Intervention Outcomes2014/07/17English18
Flourishing Classrooms: Applying a Systems-Informed Approach to Positive Education2020/06/10English18
Increasing Diversity in School Psychology: Uniting the Efforts of Institutions, Faculty, Students, and Practitioners2016/04/27English18
Visual Analysis Among Novices: Training and Trend Lines as Graphic Aids2016/11/04English18
Examining Teachers’ Behavioral Management Charts: a Comparison of Class Dojo and Paper-Pencil Methods2016/11/15English18
Bringing Social Justice Principles to Practice: New Practitioners Speak2017/03/27English18