Service Business

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Promoting intrapreneurial behavior in banking: the role of high-performance work systems, knowledge management processes, and supervisor support2023/07/30English
B2B buyer operational capability for the effective delivery of technology-enabled services in a multi-facility context2022/07/28English
Using simulation to establish appropriate vaccination rates and copayment policies from a cost perspective2012/10/11English
Organisational capabilities and transaction costs in the analysis of activities and their externalisation: implications for the service industry2009/11/08English
Location strategies of multiunit service businesses: spatial differentiation and agglomeration among hamburger restaurants in Paris, 1984–20042008/04/09English
D. E. Garner, D. L. McKee and Y. A. McKee, Accounting and the Global Economy after Sarbanes-Oxley2008/07/24English
Adolescents’ attempts at influence and self-reported errors in family vacation decisions: a cross-regional study2023/09/22English
Segmenting travellers of luxury destinations in a post-pandemic era2023/08/08English
Doing good for good: how does corporate social responsibility drive customer citizenship behavior? The mediation of engagement, trust, and identification2023/11/14English
How independent should a board be? Examine the corporate social responsibility performance in the US healthcare sector2023/02/10English
The relationship between entrepreneurial orientation and success of foodservice business: effects of religion2023/02/03English
Analysis of the relationship between the perceived extent of a tourist destination and smartphone use2020/05/08English
Predicting delays in service operations2021/10/24English
Could consumer choice be influenced by intertemporal factors? a study of consumer behavior in the Chinese theme park “S” in Chengdu2016/11/24English
A comparative analysis of contactless e-service encounters in online platforms2024/03/01English
The size–growth relationship in the social services sector in Austria2021/05/29English
Post-pandemic studies in tourism and hospitality2022/06/06English
Overcoming bias against funding of female-led entrepreneurial initiatives: the democratizing influence of online crowdlending platforms2022/08/01English
Erratum to: A comparative study of quality awards: evolving criteria and research2013/05/18English
The use of NDAs in the IT service sector2009/08/09English
Call for papers: special issue: new business models and competitive dynamics2008/05/07English
Diminishing role of regional uniqueness in preference to shop online amid COVID-19: a longitudinal analysis2024/01/02English
Validation of a design orientation scale in the trade and tourism sectors and assessment of its impact on firms’ performance2023/12/12English
Underscoring trainer's lack of effort or talent in service failure of personal fitness training: customers' negative word-of-mouth response2023/09/27English
The contingent impacts of dynamic service innovation capabilities on firm performance2023/10/23English
Exploring robot service quality priorities for different levels of intimacy with service2023/10/25English
The effect of social proximity, attribution, and guilt on accepting dysfunctional customer behavior2024/03/01English
Effects of ambidextrous human capital deployment on the performance of haute cuisine restaurants2024/01/23English
O2O switching determinants and successful drivers in omnichannel retailing services2023/07/28English
Operative service delivery planning and scheduling in Product-Service Systems2024/04/21English