Journal of Ocean Engineering and Science

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Power enhancement of pontoon-type wave energy convertor via hydroelastic response and variable power take-off system2020/03/01English20
Efficient numerical scheme based on the method of lines for the shallow water equations2018/12/01English20
Numerical investigation of modal and fatigue performance of a horizontal axis tidal current turbine using fluid–structure interaction2019/12/01English20
Reflection of plane waves from a micropolar thermoelastic solid half-space with impedance boundary conditions2019/06/01English20
Memory response in a nonlocal micropolar double porous thermoelastic medium with variable conductivity under Moore-Gibson-Thompson thermoelasticity theory2023/06/01English20
On the dynamics of nonlinear propagation and interaction of the modified KP solitons in multicomponent complex plasmas2022/12/01English20
The response of a semisubmersible model under focused wave groups: Experimental investigation2017/09/01English19
A new integrable nonlocal modified KdV equation: Abundant solutions with distinct physical structures2017/03/01English19
Soliton solutions for time fractional ocean engineering models with Beta derivative2022/10/01English19
Specific wave structures of a fifth-order nonlinear water wave equation2022/10/01English19
Comparative analysis on the fuel consumption prediction model for bulk carriers from ship launching to current states based on sea trial data and machine learning technique2021/12/01English19
New solitary waves and exact solutions for the fifth-order nonlinear wave equation using two integration techniques2023/10/01English19
New sub-equation method to construct solitons and other solutions for perturbed nonlinear Schrödinger equation with Kerr law nonlinearity in optical fiber materials2019/03/01English19
Breather waves, analytical solutions and conservation laws using Lie–Bäcklund symmetries to the (2+1)-dimensional Chaffee–Infante equation2023/03/01English19
New conservation laws and exact solutions of the special case of the fifth-order KdV equation2022/08/01English19
Evaluation of resistance increase and speed loss of a ship in wind and waves2016/09/01English19
Generalized solitary wave solutions to the time fractional generalized Hirota-Satsuma coupled KdV via new definition for wave transformation2019/06/01English18
Non-linear buckling analysis of imperfect thin spherical pressure hull for manned submersible2017/12/01English18
Observations and computations of narrow Kelvin ship wakes2016/01/01English18
Fluid dynamics of a self-propelled biomimetic underwater vehicle with pectoral fins2021/06/01English18
Dynamic evaluation of jack-up platform structure under wave, wind, earthquake and tsunami loads2022/02/01English18
New soliton solutions for the space-time fractional modified third order Korteweg–de Vries equation2022/05/01English18
A review of multi-attributes decision-making models for offshore oil and gas facilities decommissioning2022/02/01English18
Some novel integration techniques to explore the conformable M-fractional Schrödinger-Hirota equation2022/08/01English18
A comparison between Smoothed-Particle Hydrodynamics and RANS Volume of Fluid method in modelling slamming2016/04/01English18
Tsunami wave propagation model: A fractional approach2022/12/01English17
Propagation of waves over a rugged topography2022/02/01English17
On hydrodynamic analysis of stepped planing crafts2019/09/01English17
Mathematical modelling and analysis of plastic waste pollution and its impact on the ocean surface2020/06/01English17
There is no real evidence for a diminishing trend of the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation2016/01/01English17