
Title Publication Date Language Citations
Introduction: ‘Intimacy, the Nineteenth-century Outsider’2021/04/03English1
Mariage de PassionorMariage de Raison? Balzac, Michelet and Legrand'sScience du gouvernement intérieur2008/11/01English1
Military Preparation in Peacetime: Training Societies, 1871–922005/04/01English1
A Medium of Exchange: TheMadame BovaryFilm2005/04/01English1
Antoine Vollon: Rendering Butter2008/04/01English1
La renaissance de la nation selonLa Débâcled'Emile Zola2006/04/01English1
Foreword from the President of the Society of Dix-Neuviémistes2003/09/01English1
Émile Zola’s Black Lives: Colonial Experiments and the Limits of Empathy in La Joie de vivre2022/06/25English1
Trans Rachilde: A Roadmap for Recovering the Gender Creative Past and Rehumanizing the Nineteenth Century2021/10/02English1
Use, Value, Justification: On History and Historicism in Nineteenth-Century French Studies2021/10/02English1
The Laboratorium: Nineteenth-Century French Studies in the Anglophone Sphere (Part II)2023/01/02English1
Alpine Ecology in Stendhal’sMémoires d’un touriste2019/10/02English1
‘L’enclume toujours chaude’: Émile Zola’s Newspaper Trilogy2017/10/02English1
‘Les suites des suites’: Alexandre Dumas’sLe Comte de Monte-Cristoand the News2017/10/02English1
Publish or Perish! Constance de Salm's Identity Crisis and Unfulfilled Promise2017/01/02English1
The Body Poetic: Laforgue's Translations of Whitman2016/01/02English1
Malfunctioning Music and the Art of Noise: The Prepared Pianos of Jules Laforgue2016/01/02English1
‘Ça n’empêche pas d’être un homme’: Requeering Masculinity in Rachilde’sMonsieur Vénus(1884)2020/05/27English1
On Display: Fame, Anonymity, and the Fin-de-Siècle Fashion Model2019/04/03English1
De la fluidité des aquariums2017/07/03English1
Chairs mystiques et transparentes chez J.-K. Huysmans et Marcel Batilliat2017/07/03English1
The Temptation of the Material in Jean Lorrain’s Fairy Tales: ‘La Princesse sous verre’ and ‘La Princesse Neigefleur’2017/07/03English1
Matter Pools: Fluidity and Containment in French Decadent Literature: Essays in Honour of Robert E. Ziegler2017/07/03English1
Between the Studio and the Salon: The Intimate Theatre of James Ensor’s Interiors2018/10/02English1
Pastness and Enclosed Space as a Disruptive Subtext in the Work of Georges Rodenbach2018/10/02English1
Female Bodies of (Inter)National Significance: Marie-Guillemine Benoist, Germaine de Staël, and Claire de Duras2018/12/28English1
Ladies’ Choice: Prehistory and Sexual Selection inAu Bonheur des dames2020/10/01English1
Zola’s Sense of Reality: Repetition, Deadtime, and Boredom in La Joie de vivre2023/09/14English1
Le Corset Expérimental: Fashion, Fertility, and Fiction in Zola’s Pot-Bouille and Au Bonheur des Dames2022/10/02English1