Gauss's contributions to statistics | 1978/05/01 | English | 13 |
The rise of Cayley's invariant theory (1841–1862) | 1986/08/01 | English | 13 |
Calculus and Analysis in Early 19th-Century Britain: The Work of William Wallace | 1999/08/01 | English | 13 |
Newton and the Notion of Limit | 2001/02/01 | English | 13 |
The emergence of open sets, closed sets, and limit points in analysis and topology | 2008/08/01 | English | 12 |
Exceptions and counterexamples: Understanding Abel's comment on Cauchy's Theorem | 2005/11/01 | English | 12 |
On the forgotten theorem of Mr. Vincent | 1978/11/01 | English | 12 |
The Cambridge Mathematical Journal and its descendants: the linchpin of a research community in the early and mid-Victorian Age | 2004/11/01 | English | 12 |
Completing the Gödel-Zermelo correspondence | 1985/02/01 | English | 12 |
Graphs in cultures: A study in ethnomathematics | 1988/08/01 | English | 12 |
The calculus of the trigonometric functions | 1987/11/01 | English | 12 |
Leonhard Euler: The First St. Petersburg Years (1727–1741) | 1996/05/01 | English | 12 |
Drawing the Boundaries: Mathematical Statistics in 20th-Century America | 1996/02/01 | English | 12 |
“A valuable monument of mathematical genius”: The Ladies' Diary (1704–1840) | 2009/02/01 | English | 11 |
Rethinking geometrical exactness | 2011/02/01 | English | 11 |
Hilda Geiringer-von Mises, Charlier series, ideology, and the human side of the emancipation of applied mathematics at the university of Berlin during the 1920s | 1993/11/01 | English | 11 |
Diagrams in the Arabic Euclidean tradition: a preliminary assessment | 2005/05/01 | English | 11 |
The varieties of mechanics by 1800 | 1990/11/01 | English | 11 |
The mathematician, the historian, and the history of mathematics | 1975/11/01 | English | 11 |
Circle measurements in ancient China | 1986/11/01 | English | 11 |
Archimedes and the spirals: The heuristic background | 1978/02/01 | English | 11 |
Probabilistic expectation and rationality in classical probability theory | 1980/08/01 | English | 11 |
The antecedents of old Babylonian place notation and the early history of Babylonian mathematics | 1976/11/01 | English | 11 |
Robert Adrian: American mathematician | 1977/05/01 | English | 11 |
On mathematics in the history of Sub-Saharan Africa | 1994/08/01 | English | 11 |
From Student Club to National Society: The Founding of the London Mathematical Society in 1865 | 1995/11/01 | English | 10 |
Were the Fibonacci Series and the Golden Section Known in Ancient Egypt? | 2002/05/01 | English | 10 |
“Scientific control” in mathematical reviewing and German-U.S.-American relations between the two World Wars | 1994/08/01 | English | 10 |
Wābkanawīʼs prediction and calculations of the annular solar eclipse of 30 January 1283 | 2013/08/01 | English | 10 |
Bolzano and uniform continuity | 2005/08/01 | English | 10 |