Modeling Earth Systems and Environment

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Statistical modeling for forecasting land surface temperature increase in Taiwan from 2000 to 2023 using three knots cubic spline2024/01/17English
Harnessing deep learning for forecasting fire-burning locations and unveiling $$PM_{2.5}$$ emissions2023/07/12English
A review of the application of hybrid machine learning models to improve rainfall prediction2023/07/11English
A comparison of experimental and computational methods for circular footing response on lime-treated geotextile reinforced silty sand2023/07/28English
Analysis of reservoir outflow using deep learning model2023/06/03English
Variability of total suspended matter with chlorophyll a and climatic conditions in the Jijel coastal waters, Algeria2023/06/03English
Enhancing reservoir dam’s management in Algeria: a comparative study of interpolation methods for topo-bathymetric surveys2023/06/28English
A regional model for the variability of Agricultural development: evidence from a drought-prone region of Rarh Bengal, Eastern India2023/02/03English
Development of statistical downscaling model based on Volterra series realization, principal components and ridge regression2023/01/16English
Depositional modeling of the hydrogenous evaporite salts from the Mediterranean and the Red Sea waters2023/01/16English
Evaluation of NASA land information system in prediection stream runoff: case study of Atbara and Blue Nile Sub-Basins2023/01/05English
Application of kinematic and distinct element methods to investigate instability mechanism of rock slopes containing weak and hard layers2023/01/03English
Spatio-temporal spectral trajectory pattern to continuous maps of forest disturbance and recovery: case of tropical forests of Vatovavy Fitovinany, Madagascar2023/01/31English
Analysis and numerical simulation of a reaction–diffusion mathematical model of atherosclerosis2023/01/29English
The study of uranium in groundwater and consequent ingestion dose in marginal alluvial plains of Bihar based on Empirical Bayesian Kriging method2023/01/19English
Numerical assessment on hydraulic safety of existing conveyance structurers2023/01/03English
AI-assisted antifungal discovery of Aspergillus parasiticus and Aspergillus flavus: investigating the potential of Asphodelus aestivus, Beta vulgaris, and Morus alba plant leaf extracts2023/01/03English
Effect of climate change on the flooding of storm water networks under extreme rainfall events using SWMM simulations: a case study2024/04/18English
Multidimensional characterization of problematic soils linked to foundation and building failures in parts of Southeast Nigeria2024/04/17English
Exploring the impact of land use/land cover changes on the dynamics of Deepor wetland (a Ramsar site) in Assam, India using geospatial techniques and machine learning models2024/04/15English
Appraisal of numerous machine learning techniques for the prediction of bearing capacity of strip footings subjected to inclined loading2024/04/15English
Synergetic use of geospatial and machine learning techniques in modelling landslide susceptibility in parts of Shimla to Kinnaur National Highway, Himachal Pradesh2024/04/18English
The morphometric investigation of the Gelda watershed in the Lake Tana sub basin: implications for managing soil and water resources2024/04/20English
A review on modeling nutrient dynamics and loadings in forest-dominated watersheds under cold climate conditions2024/04/20English
In-host fractional order model for malaria parasite dynamics with immune system2024/04/20English
Daily soil temperature simulation at different depths in the Red River Basin: a long short-term memory approach2024/04/16English
Predictability of the extreme precipitation days in central Eastern Africa during january to may period2024/02/19English
Validating the Curve Number estimation approaches: A case study of an urbanizing watershed from Western Maharashtra, India2023/09/15English
Laboratory study on relative energy loss and backwater rise at bridge piers and abutment2023/08/12English
An election algorithm combined with support vector regression for estimating hydrological drought2023/08/28English