Physics of Metals and Metallography

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Magnetocaloric effect in Ni-Mn-X (X = Ga, In, Sn, Sb) Heusler alloys2011/12/01English7
Magnetocaloric Effect in Metals and Alloys2022/04/01English7
Structural changes during superplastic deformation of high-strength alloy 1933 of the Al-Mg-Zn-Cu-Zr system2013/09/01English6
Nanostructurization of Nb by high-pressure torsion in liquid nitrogen and the thermal stability of the structure obtained2012/03/01English6
On the limiting minimum size of grains formed in metallic materials produced by high-pressure torsion2008/10/01English6
Nucleation and growth of titanium aluminide in an explosion-welded laminate composite2012/10/01English5
Magnetic microstructure of amorphous, nanocrystalline, and nanophase ferromagnets2011/12/01English5
Influence of the Size and Structural Factors on the Magnetism of Multilayer Films Based on 3d and 4f Metals2017/12/01English5
Dynamic phase diagram of the N1 structural steel2008/06/01English4
Review of Modern Theoretical Approaches for Study of Magnetocaloric Materials2022/04/01English4
The Role of Shear Waves in Electron–Phonon Drag in Potassium Crystals at Low Temperatures2020/10/01English4
Effect of heat treatment on the structure and properties of steel–aluminum composite with a diffusion barrier2015/11/01English4
Thermal stability of nickel structure obtained by high-pressure torsion in liquid nitrogen2014/07/01English4
Special misorientations and textural heredity in the commercial alloy Fe-3% Si2014/08/01English4
Morphology and mechanisms of the formation of fiber structures upon high-temperature superplastic deformation of aluminum alloys2007/04/01English3
Evolution of the structure and hardness of nickel upon cold and low-temperature deformation under pressure2008/04/01English3
Mössbauer spectroscopy of interfaces in metals2012/12/01English3
New interatomic potential for computation of mechanical and thermodynamic properties of uranium in a wide range of pressures and temperatures2012/02/01English3
Residual Stresses and Microstructural Features of Rotary-Friction-Welded from Dissimilar Medium Carbon Steels2020/12/01English3
Effect of the Size of Al3(Sc,Zr) Precipitates on the Structure of Multi-Directionally Isothermally Forged Al-Mg-Sc-Zr Alloy2017/12/01English3
Emission Mössbauer spectroscopy of grain boundaries in ultrafine-grained W and Mo produced by severe plastic deformation2017/04/01English3
Secondary recrystallization in Fe-3% Si alloy with (110)[001] single-component texture2013/01/01English3
The evolution of structural and phase states of titanium aluminides after γ irradiation in small doses2017/02/01English3
Nanostructuring of surface layers and production of nanostructured coatings as an effective method of strengthening modern structural and tool materials2007/12/01English3
Preparation, deformation, and failure of functional Al-Sn and Al-Sn-Pb nanocrystalline alloys2006/12/01English3
Structure and Properties of Fe–Ga Alloys as Promising Materials for Electronics2020/09/01English3
Acoustic detection of stress-corrosion cracking of nitrogen austenitic steels2014/06/01English3
Analysis of phase composition of Co-P alloy powders using magnetometric data2013/02/01English3
High-sensitive hysteresisless spin valve with a composite free layer2012/04/01English3
Evolution of the nanocrystalline structure of Nb3Sn superconducting layers upon two-stage annealing of Nb/Cu-Sn composites alloyed with titanium2012/04/01English3