Entailment Relations on Distributions | 2016/08/02 | English | 1 |
Quantifying and Explaining Immutability in Scala | 2017/04/08 | English | 1 |
Towards Proving the Adversarial Robustness of Deep Neural Networks | 2017/09/07 | English | 1 |
An Extensible Ad Hoc Interface between Lean and Mathematica | 2017/12/04 | English | 1 |
SyGuS-Comp 2017: Results and Analysis | 2017/11/28 | English | 1 |
Blockchain, Cryptography, and Consensus | 2017/11/29 | English | 1 |
Natural Deduction Assistant (NaDeA) | 2019/04/01 | English | 1 |
Service Equivalence via Multiparty Session Type Isomorphisms | 2019/04/02 | English | 1 |
A Message-Passing Interpretation of Adjoint Logic | 2019/04/02 | English | 1 |
Mermin Non-Locality in Abstract Process Theories | 2015/11/04 | English | 1 |
Coherence for Skew-Monoidal Categories | 2014/06/05 | English | 1 |
A Fuzzy Logic Programming Environment for Managing Similarity and Truth Degrees | 2015/01/08 | English | 1 |
Pattern graph rewrite systems | 2014/03/29 | English | 1 |
A Logic-Independent IDE | 2014/10/29 | English | 1 |
Recursive Session Types Revisited | 2014/08/24 | English | 1 |
Meta-Structures: The Search of Coherence in Collective Behaviours (without Physics) | 2013/09/30 | English | 1 |
aspcud: A Linux Package Configuration Tool Based on Answer Set Programming | 2011/08/30 | English | 1 |
Abstract Stobjs and Their Application to ISA Modeling | 2013/04/26 | English | 1 |
Top-Down and Bottom-Up Approach for Model-Based Testing of Product Lines | 2013/03/02 | English | 1 |
Lang-n-Send: Processes That Send Languages | 2022/03/24 | English | 1 |
Modularizing and Specifying Protocols among Threads | 2013/02/23 | English | 1 |
Towards Meta-Reasoning in the Concurrent Logical Framework CLF | 2013/07/26 | English | 1 |
Rusty Variation: Deadlock-free Sessions with Failure in Rust | 2019/09/12 | English | 1 |
What Makes a Strong Monad? | 2022/06/30 | English | 1 |
Proof Theory of Skew Non-Commutative MILL | 2022/04/14 | English | 1 |
Language-independence of DisCoCirc's Text Circuits: English and Urdu | 2022/08/10 | English | 1 |
RV4JaCa – Runtime Verification for Multi-Agent Systems | 2022/07/20 | English | 1 |
Interval centred form for proving stability of non-linear discrete-time systems | 2021/01/11 | English | 1 |
Session Type Systems based on Linear Logic: Classical versus Intuitionistic | 2020/04/03 | English | 1 |
Duality of Session Types: The Final Cut | 2020/04/03 | English | 1 |