Research in Science & Technological Education

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Important but not for me: students’ attitudes towards secondary school science in England2005/05/01English192
Towards Modifying Children's Ideas about Electric Current1983/01/01English126
The barriers encountered by teachers implementing education for sustainable development: discipline bound differences and teaching traditions2012/07/01English115
Thoughts on attitude measurement2006/05/01English92
Transcending Cultural Borders: implications for science teaching1999/05/01English83
A Comparative Study of Primary and Secondary School Students' Images of Scientists2002/12/01English81
Science Trainee Teachers' Pedagogical Content Knowledge and its Influence on Physics Teaching2002/12/01English78
Naive Knowledge and Science Learning1983/01/01English74
Children's Models of Understanding of Two Major Global Environmental Issues (Ozone Layer and Greenhouse Effect)1997/05/01English69
Children's Misconceptions in Primary Science: A Survey of teachers' views2001/05/01English68
Zoos as a Source of Free Choice Learning2003/05/01English67
The implementation of education for sustainable development in Sweden: investigating the sustainability consciousness among upper secondary students2014/08/14English65
Student science teachers’ conceptions of sustainable development: an empirical study of three postgraduate training cohorts2007/09/20English64
Attitudes towards Physics2002/05/01English64
Experimental comparison of inquiry and direct instruction in science2010/02/10English62
Development and application of a four-tier test to assess pre-service physics teachers’ misconceptions about geometrical optics2017/04/03English62
Assessment and Investigation of Constructivist Science Learning Environments in Korea1999/11/01English58
The role of perceived classroom goal structures, self-efficacy, and engagement in student science achievement2017/01/16English57
Some Factors Affecting the Image of the Scientist Drawn by Older Primary School Pupils1988/01/01English55
Alternative Conceptions of Chemical Bonding Held by Upper Secondary and Tertiary Students2001/11/01English52
A review of chemical bonding studies: needs, aims, methods of exploring students’ conceptions, general knowledge claims and students’ alternative conceptions2006/08/19English50
Environment‐‐Attitude Associations in the Chemistry Laboratory Classroom1996/05/01English50
Posing Problems for Open Investigations: What questions do pupils ask?2002/12/01English49
Some strategies to improve performance in school chemistry, based on two cognitive factors2004/11/01English49
Knowledge about the 'Greenhouse Effect': Have college students improved?2001/11/01English49
The acquisition of integrated science process skills in a web‐based learning environment2004/05/01English48
A stratified study of students’ understanding of basic optics concepts in different contexts using two‐tier multiple‐choice items2009/09/09English47
An Analysis of High School Students' Performance on Five Integrated Science Process Skills2001/11/01English46
Teaching Scientific Analogies: a proposed model1984/01/01English46
Enigmas in School Science: students’ conceptions for scientifically associated words1983/01/01English46