International Journal of Play

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Preschool children's social pretend play: supporting the development of metacommunication, metacognition and self-regulation2012/09/01English60
Children's play, well-being and involvement: how children play indoors and outdoors in Norwegian early childhood education and care institutions2019/01/02English42
On ‘becoming social’: the importance of collaborative free play in childhood2014/01/02English33
Children's outdoor playtime, physical activity, and parental perceptions of the neighbourhood environment2015/01/02English31
Playful learning in higher education: developing a signature pedagogy2017/09/02English31
The changing culture of play2012/09/01English28
The connection between shared storybook readings, children’s imagination, social interactions, affect, prosocial behavior, and social play2016/05/03English25
Musical play and self-regulation: does musical play allow for the emergence of self-regulatory behaviours?2015/05/04English24
The outdoor environment and children’s health: a multilevel approach2019/01/02English23
Male Long Evans rats reared with a Fischer-344 peer during the juvenile period show deficits in social competency: a role for play2020/01/02English21
Listening to children's perspectives on play across the lifespan: children's right to inform adults' discussions of contemporary play2014/05/04English21
Family play and leisure activities: correlates of parents' and children's socio-emotional well-being2013/12/01English20
Play practices and play moods2013/09/01English20
Primary school playgrounds: features and management in Victoria, Australia2013/09/01English19
A comparison of sociodramatic play processes of preschoolers in a naturalized and a traditional outdoor space2017/05/04English19
Playful learning with technology: the effect of computer-assisted instruction on literacy and numeracy skills of preschoolers2017/07/17English16
Playscapes: a pedagogical paradigm for play and learning2014/01/02English16
Avoiding a dystopian future for children's play2019/01/02English15
What do you hear, what do you say? Ultrasonic calls as signals during play fighting in rats2020/01/02English15
The state of play in school: defining and promoting playful learning in formal education settings2019/09/02English15
Developmental origins of sex differences in the neural circuitry of play2020/01/02English14
Play and space – towards a formal definition of play2015/05/04English14
Enhancing team creativity with playful improvisation theater: a controlled intervention field study2017/09/02English14
From playful parents to adaptable children: a structural equation model of the relationships between playfulness and adaptability among young adults and their parents2017/09/02English14
The playful city: constructing a typology for urban design interventions2017/09/02English13
Play and playfulness in psychiatry: a selective review2017/10/11English13
The erosion of play2017/01/02English12
Using playfulness to cope with psychological stress: taking into account both positive and negative emotions2013/12/01English12
Playfully engaging people living with dementia: searching for Yum Cha moments2013/12/01English11
Exploring practitioners’ perceptions of risk when delivering Forest School for 3- to 5-year-old children2019/01/02English11