
Title Publication Date Language Citations
How to keep cool in a hot desert: Torpor in two species of free-ranging bats in summer2016/07/02English15
Acute physiological and perceptual responses to wearing additional clothing while cycling outdoors in a temperate environment:A practical method to increase the heat load2017/10/02English15
Repeated nitrous oxide exposure in rats causes a thermoregulatory sign-reversal with concurrent activation of opposing thermoregulatory effectors2014/10/31English15
TRP channels and temperature in airway disease—clinical significance2015/02/25English15
A new approach for comparing thermoregulatory responses of subjects with different body sizes2015/02/11English15
The importance of body temperature: An anesthesiologist's perspective2016/10/07English15
Avoiding apoptosis during mammalian hibernation2016/07/19English14
To drink or to pour: How should athletes use water to cool themselves?2016/04/02English14
Defining the determinants of endurance running performance in the heat2017/07/03English14
Physiological and perceptual responses to exercising in restrictive heat loss attire with use of an upper-body sauna suit in temperate and hot conditions2018/03/13English14
Time perception and timed decision task performance during passive heat stress2020/06/16English13
Functional analysis ofRYR1variants linked to malignant hyperthermia2016/02/26English13
Ice slurry ingestion during break times attenuates the increase of core temperature in a simulation of physical demand of match-play tennis in the heat2018/09/05English13
Attenuated cold defense responses in orexin neuron-ablated rats2016/04/29English13
Pre-exercise exposure to the treadmill setup changes the cardiovascular and thermoregulatory responses induced by subsequent treadmill running in rats2017/12/18English13
Imaging-based internal body temperature measurements: The journal Temperature toolbox2020/05/29English13
Thermoregulation and menstrual cycle2015/07/03English13
Human vulnerability and variability in the cold: Establishing individual risks for cold weather injuries2022/04/03English13
Biologically effective solar ultraviolet exposures and the potential skin cancer risk for individual gold medalists of the 2020 Tokyo Summer Olympic Games2019/03/14English12
The TRPM2 channel in temperature detection and thermoregulation2016/11/10English12
Regulation of thermoTRPs by lipids2016/11/01English12
Leukocyte Hsp72 mRNA transcription does not differ between males and females during heat acclimation2016/07/27English12
The ergogenic effect of amphetamine2014/11/24English12
Drug-induced regulatory overcompensation has motivational consequences: Implications for homeostatic and allostatic models of drug addiction2014/10/31English11
The foundation of sensory pharmacology: Nicholas (Miklós) Jancsó and the Szeged contribution2015/05/26English11
The onset of daily torpor is regulated by the same low body mass in lean mice and in mice with diet-induced obesity2015/02/13English11
Saturday night fever in ecstasy/MDMA dance clubbers: Heightened body temperature and associated psychobiological changes2014/12/10English11
Indicators to assess physiological heat strain – Part 2: Delphi exercise2022/03/27English11
The experienced temperature sensitivity and regulation survey2015/12/18English11
Body temperature2014/05/06English11