Journal of Hydrology

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Monitoring the effects of timber harvest on annual water yield1996/03/01English359
Climate change impacts on groundwater and dependent ecosystems2014/10/01English357
Recent trends in the Central and Western Sahel rainfall regime (1990–2007)2009/08/01English355
Global sensitivity analysis in hydrological modeling: Review of concepts, methods, theoretical framework, and applications2015/04/01English353
Assessing the ability of potential evaporation formulations to capture the dynamics in evaporative demand within a changing climate2010/05/01English351
Sensitivity and uncertainty analysis coupled with automatic calibration for a distributed watershed model2005/05/01English349
Overall distributed model intercomparison project results2004/10/01English349
Potential water yield reduction due to forestation across China2006/09/01English345
Distinguishing the relative impacts of climate change and human activities on variation of streamflow in the Poyang Lake catchment, China2013/06/01English342
Height Above the Nearest Drainage – a hydrologically relevant new terrain model2011/06/01English339
Input determination for neural network models in water resources applications. Part 1—background and methodology2005/01/01English337
Review of trend detection methods and their application to detect temperature changes in India2013/01/01English336
The effect of land uses and rainfall regimes on runoff and soil erosion in the semi-arid loess hilly area, China2007/03/01English335
An overview of current applications, challenges, and future trends in distributed process-based models in hydrology2016/06/01English329
Hydrologic impact of climate change in the Saguenay watershed: comparison of downscaling methods and hydrologic models2005/06/01English327
An evaluation of the impact of model structure on hydrological modelling uncertainty for streamflow simulation2004/10/01English325
A comparison of baseflow indices, which were calculated with seven different baseflow separation methods2008/04/01English323
Hydrologic and pollutant removal performance of stormwater biofiltration systems at the field scale2009/02/01English321
Effects of the Three Gorges Dam on Yangtze River flow and river interaction with Poyang Lake, China: 2003–20082012/01/01English321
Temporal variability of precipitation over Iran: 1966–20052011/01/01English320
On the spatio-temporal dynamics of soil moisture at the field scale2014/08/01English320
Annual and seasonal streamflow responses to climate and land-cover changes in the Poyang Lake basin, China2008/06/01English320
The impact of climate change on the water resources of Hindukush–Karakorum–Himalaya region under different glacier coverage scenarios2008/06/01English320
Simulation of field water uptake by plants using a soil water dependent root extraction function1976/09/01English317
Development of a coupled wavelet transform and neural network method for flow forecasting of non-perennial rivers in semi-arid watersheds2010/08/01English315
Roots, storms and soil pores: Incorporating key ecohydrological processes into Budyko’s hydrological model2012/05/01English315
Reservoir-induced hydrological changes in the Ebro River basin (NE Spain)2004/05/01English315
Frequency analysis of a sequence of dependent and/or non-stationary hydro-meteorological observations: A review2006/10/01English312
Using the Cl/Br ratio as a tracer to identify the origin of salinity in aquifers in Spain and Portugal2008/09/01English312
Long-term SPI drought forecasting in the Awash River Basin in Ethiopia using wavelet neural network and wavelet support vector regression models2014/01/01English312