Archiv der Mathematik

Title Publication Date Language Citations
A class of bounded operators on Sobolev spaces2004/01/0119
A simple proof of Hardy’s inequality in a limiting case2014/12/07English19
Non-hyperelliptic Riemann surfaces with real field of moduli but not definable over the reals2009/09/01English19
A note on weighted Banach spaces of holomorphic functions2003/12/0119
Dual fusion frames2014/10/01English18
Hölder estimates for the noncommutative Mazur maps2014/12/04English18
Bloom’s inequality: commutators in a two-weight setting2015/12/11English18
Symmetric periodic solutions in the Sitnikov problem2016/09/28English18
Homogeneous Lorentzian structures on the oscillator groups1999/10/0118
Diameter preserving linear maps and isometries1999/11/0118
L1-spaces of vector measures defined on δ-rings2005/05/01English18
On automorphisms of the symmetrized bidisc2004/09/01English18
A note on the representation of positive polynomials with structured sparsity2007/09/18English18
Simplicity of principal eigenvalue for p-Laplace operator with singular indefinite weight2006/01/01English18
Mean ergodicity of multiplication operators in weighted spaces of holomorphic functions2009/04/23English18
Existence and uniqueness for nonlinear anisotropic elliptic equations2014/02/01English18
Spectrum of the Cesàro operator in ℓ p2013/03/01English18
The Hilbert-Kunz function of rings of finite Cohen-Macaulay type1997/10/0117
On the connectedness of self-affine attractors2004/02/0117
Explicit approximation of the symmetric rearrangement by polarizations2009/08/01English17
Almost p -summing polynomials and multilinear mappings2001/02/0117
Lexicographic behaviour of chains1999/02/0117
Involutory automorphisms of finite groups and their centralizers1998/12/0117
On restricted sum formulas for multiple zeta values with even arguments2016/06/04English17
Numerical radius preserving operators on C * -algebras1998/06/0117
Entire functions sharing one or two finite values CM with their shifts or difference operators2011/11/01English17
Automorphisms of direct products of finite groups II2008/08/01English17
Unrectifiability and rigidity in stratified groups2004/12/01English17
Mass-conserving solutions and non-conservative approximation to the Smoluchowski coagulation equation2004/12/01English17
Mild solutions to a time-fractional Cauchy problem with nonlocal nonlinearity in Besov spaces2022/02/10English16