Archiv der Mathematik

Title Publication Date Language Citations
On the singularities of distance functions in Hilbert spaces2024/04/08English
A new proof of Rédei’s theorem on the number of directions2024/04/08English
The field of moduli of sets of points in $$\mathbb {P}^{2}$$2024/04/09English
New covering and illumination results for a class of polytopes2024/04/08English
Cohen-Macaulay weighted oriented chordal and simplicial graphs2024/04/10English
Full k-simplicity of Steinberg algebras over Clifford semifields with application to Leavitt path algebras2024/04/09English
Fubini’s theorem for Daniell integrals2024/04/09English
A remark on toric foliations2024/04/09English
Projective closure of Gorenstein monomial curves and the Cohen–Macaulay property2023/12/11English
On Laurent polynomial identities2023/12/11English
Euclidean minima of algebraic number fields2023/12/11English
Characters of prime power degree in principal blocks2024/01/03English
Birational invariance of $$H^1({\mathcal {O}})$$2023/11/23English
Terms of recurrence sequences in the solution sets of norm form equations2023/11/23English
Uncountable groups with finitely many normalizers of large subgroups2024/01/18English
Locally conformally symplectic deformation of Gromov non-squeezing2023/10/09English
On the uniqueness of eigenfunctions for the vectorial p-Laplacian2023/10/09English
On Wolfgang Lusky’s paper “The Gurarij spaces are unique”2023/10/09English
$$\Gamma $$-conjugate weight enumerators and invariant theory2023/11/01English
Orthogonal determinants of $${\textrm{SL}\,}_3(q)$$ and $${\textrm{SU}\,}_3(q)$$2023/11/01English
Ricci curvature and the size of initial data for the Navier–Stokes equations on Einstein manifolds2023/10/11English
Genus and crosscap of solvable conjugacy class graphs of finite groups2024/03/24English
Newly appointed editor2024/03/14English
Half-factorial real quadratic orders2024/03/12English
Reproducing kernel Hilbert spaces cannot contain all continuous functions on a compact metric space2024/03/23English
Morphisms between Grassmannians, II2024/03/26English
On the finiteness of radii of resolving subcategories2024/02/17English
A characterization of translation and modulation invariant Hilbert space of tempered distributions2024/02/17English
Non-monotonicity of the first eigenvalue for the 3D magnetic Robin Laplacian2023/03/15English
Volume of convex polytopes equals mixed volume of simplices2023/02/14English