
Title Publication Date Language Citations
Losing One's Head in the Neolithic: On the Interpretation of Headless Figurines2007/06/01English7
Solomon's Gate at Megiddo as Recorded by Its Excavator, R. Lamon, Chicago1980/01/01English7
Architectural Procedures in Byzantine Palestine1981/01/01English7
New Perspectives on Domestic Architecture and the Initial Stages of Urbanization in Canaan1999/01/01English7
Ancient Caravanserais: An Archaeological View from 'Aroer2007/06/01English7
Medieval Syrian Lustre-painted and Associated Wares: Typology in a Multidisciplinary Study1997/01/01English7
British inter-war aerial photogrammetric mapping in the MENA region: archives, access and research potential2021/09/02English7
Pottery production at Tell Arqa (Lebanon) during the 3rd millennium BC: preliminary results of petrographic analysis2018/06/01English6
The Level VI North-East Temple at Tel Lachish2019/01/02English6
Excavations at Samaria-Sebaste, 19681970/01/01English6
Stratigraphy, Pottery and Parallels: A Reply to Bienkowski1992/01/01English6
Mamlük Caravansarais in Galilee1992/01/01English6
The Early Phases at Tell Nebi Mend: a Preliminary Account1989/01/01English6
Pathology in The Crusader Period: Human Skeletal Remains From Tel Jezreel1994/01/01English6
Petrographic Analysis of Bronze Age Pottery from Tell Hadidi, Syria1999/01/01English6
Southern Hauran Survey 19921995/01/01English6
Child Health in the Crusader Period Inhabitants of Tel Jezreel, Israel2006/06/01English6
Aerial Archaeology in Jordan1998/01/01English6
The Canaanite Village: Social Structure of Middle Bronze Age Rural Communities2005/06/01English6
Major and Trace-Element Geochemistry Used in Tracing the Provenance of Late Bronze Age and Roman Basalt Artefacts from Cyprus1988/01/01English6
The Late Acheulean Knapping-floor at C-Spring, Azraq Oasis, Jordan1991/01/01English6
Supplementum to the Corpus of the Byzantine Churches in the Holy Land Part I: Newly Discovered Churches1981/01/01English6
Preliminary Report on Excavations at Tell Es-Sweyhat, Syria 19751977/01/01English6
The Tomb of Christ: An Outline of its Structural History1972/01/01English6
The Wild Goats Of Lebanon: Evidence For Early Domestication?2001/01/01English6
Some Thoughts on Qasr al-Hayr al-Gharbi, its Dam, its Monastery and the Ghassanids2006/06/01English6
Khan Yunus and the Khans of Palestine1983/01/01English6
The Dating of the Black Ceramic Bowl with a Depiction of the Torah Shrine from Nabratein1994/01/01English6
Epipalaeolithic and Neolithic gazelle hunting in the Badia of north-east Jordan. Reconstruction of seasonal movements of herds by stable isotope and dental microwear analyses2018/05/04English6