Critical Policy Studies

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Misguided boundary work in studies of expertise: time to return to the evidence2011/10/01English17
Sovereign power beyond the state: a critical reappraisal of governance by networks2013/07/01English17
Stability and change: the last dualism?2010/04/28English17
Embracing impressionism: revealing the brush strokes of interpretive research2015/01/03English16
Quite an experience: Using ethnography to study local governance2008/06/01English16
Emergent publics of alcohol and other drug policymaking2016/10/14English15
Arguing about the Eurozone crisis: a discursive institutionalist analysis2013/12/01English15
Discourse analysis: an exploration of methodological issues and a call for methodological courage in the field of policy analysis2009/12/18English15
Politicizing sustainable development: the co-production of globalized evidence-based policy2010/04/28English15
The questioning theory of policy practice: outline of an integrated analytical framework2013/07/01English15
Gender mainstreaming in the DGR as a knowledge process: epistemic barriers to eradicating gender bias2013/12/01English15
Limits of the competition state? The cultural political economy of European labor migration policies2012/12/01English15
Multilateralism as a ‘site’ of struggle over environmental knowledge: the North-South divide2020/04/02English15
Governance on a bumpy road from enfant terrible to mature paradigm2018/02/12English15
How do empty signifiers lose credibility? The caseof commissioning in English local government2016/12/14English14
Contours of historical-materialist policy analysis2021/07/12English14
A relational perspective on deliberative systems: combining interpretive and structural analysis2018/08/11English14
Indication and inference: reflections on the challenge of mixing paradigms in the Narrative Policy Framework2015/07/03English14
Methods, discourse, activism: comparing institutional ethnography and governmentality2015/06/19English14
Governing the present: activism, neoliberalism, and the problem of power and consent2013/08/14English14
Institutionalizing interactive governance for democracy2013/04/01English13
A theoretical framework for analyzing institutionalized domination in network governance arrangements2017/10/23English13
The epistemic quality of expertise: contextualized criteria for the multi-source, negotiated policy advice of stakeholder fora2016/12/15English13
Global politics and empty signifiers: the political construction of high technology2014/06/19English13
Randomizing Europe: the lottery as a decision-making procedure for policy creation in the EU2009/11/09English13
Policy analysis in critical perspective: The epistemics of discursive practices2007/03/01English13
Designing forPhronèsis:Experiences with transformative learning on sustainable development2007/12/01English13
Unpacking emotional contexts of post-truth.2019/09/25English13
Tensions in deliberative practice: a view from civil society2010/12/14English13
The Rousseff impeachment and the crisis of democracy in Brazil2017/07/03English13