Studies in History and Philosophy of Science

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Chemical analysis and the domains of reality: Wilhelm Homberg's Essais de chimie, 1702–17092000/03/01English
Polanyi's presagement of the incommensurability concept2002/03/01English
Measurement of the people, by the people, and for the people2001/12/01English
Book review1998/09/01English
John Donne's Verdict on Tycho Brahe: No Astronomer is an Island?2001/09/01English
The Ontology of the Questionnaire2001/12/01English
Aspects of Aristotelian statics in Galileo's dynamics2000/12/01English
Book review1999/06/01English
A favourable conjuncture1995/12/01English
Contents and author index2001/12/01English
Sent Simulating Simon Simulating Scientists2001/09/01English
Automata, reason, and free will: Leibniz's critique of Descartes on animal and human nature2023/08/01English
Paving the cowpath in research within pure mathematics: A medium level model based on text driven variations.2023/08/01English
Going big by going small: Trade-offs in microbiome explanations of cancer2023/02/01English
Clarifying some misconceptions in interpreting Ernst Mach's views on thought experiments2023/02/01English
A tale of a threshing machine: Images of the Voigt-Leibniz mathematical-agricultural machine at the beginning of the 18th centuryEnglish
Mental health promotion and the positive concept of health: Navigating dilemmasEnglish
Histology agnosticism: Infra-molecularizing disease?2024/04/01English
Book review1999/09/01English
Natural and preternatural in Renaissance philosophy and medicine2000/06/01English
Mechanical Rationality: Jevons and the Making of Economic Man1999/12/01English
The illusions of scientists vs. the illusions of social epistemologists2000/06/01English
Professor Branestawm and his friends1996/03/01English
Book review1999/06/01English