RAIRO - Theoretical Informatics and Applications

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Deux propriétés combinatoires des nombres de Schröder1988/01/0114
Une condition suffisante de reconnaissabilité dans un monoïde partiellement commutatif1986/01/0114
The pseudovariety $J$ is hyperdecidable1997/01/0114
On extremal properties of the Fibonacci word2008/02/0614
A Burnside Approach to the Termination of Mohri's Algorithm for Polynomially Ambiguous Min-Plus-Automata2008/06/0314
Quantum finite automata with control language2006/04/0114
Least Periods of Factors of Infinite Words2008/03/1214
Note on the Succinctness of Deterministic, Nondeterministic, Probabilistic and Quantum Finite Automata2001/09/0114
Equational description of pseudovarieties of homomorphisms2003/07/0114
Advice Complexity and Barely Random Algorithms2011/04/0114
On the Complexity of the Hidden Weighted Bit Function for Various BDD Models1999/03/0113
A characterization of poly-slender context-free languages2000/01/0113
Local Transition Functions of Quantum Turing Machines2000/09/0113
On frontiers of regular trees1986/01/0113
Some decision problems on integer matrices2005/01/0113
On the state complexity of semi-quantum finite automata2014/04/0113
Complexity classes for membrane systems2006/04/0113
On substitution invariant Sturmian words: an application of Rauzy fractals2007/07/0112
Words over an ordered alphabet and suffix permutations2002/07/0112
Fast and correctly rounded logarithms in double-precision2007/01/0112
Hyper-minimizing minimized deterministic finite state automata2007/12/2012
Theories of orders on the set of words2005/10/1512
Trace languages defined by regular string languages1986/01/0112
A unified approach to control problems in discrete event processes1993/01/0112
Représentations matricielles des séries d'arbre reconnaissables1989/01/0112
Dejean's conjecture holds for N ≥ 272009/09/2912
Wadge Degrees ofω-Languages of Deterministic Turing Machines2003/01/0112
Open shop scheduling with delays1992/01/0111
Accurate computation of the relative entropy between stochastic regular grammars1997/01/0111
Some results onC-varieties2005/01/0111