Journal of International Entrepreneurship

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Entrepreneurial intention among online and face-to-face university students: The influence of structural and cognitive social capital dimensions2020/08/21English4
Focus group interviewing in China: Language, culture, and sensemaking2007/05/16English4
Entrepreneurial environment and research performance in knowledge-based institutions2009/04/01English4
Entrepreneurs in the new economy: Immigration and sex effects in the Montreal metropolitan area2010/05/06English4
A review of methodological diversity within the domain of international entrepreneurship2021/03/22English4
Extending international entrepreneurship’s concepts, constructs and decision frameworks to reach beyond the ordinary2020/09/01English4
Collective internationalization strategy, dispersed information, and entrepreneurial orientation interactions2020/03/01English4
The institutional environment and international entrepreneurship interactions2014/12/01English3
Digitization and servitization in international entrepreneurship2023/06/01English3
Maturing international new ventures: Short- and medium-term Insights2023/03/29English3
Learning advantages of newness: A reconceptualization and contingent framework2017/05/29English3
Organizational rejuvenation for knowledge exploitation: Exploring corporate entrepreneurship in an MNE2007/02/14English3
Born globals’ decision-making logics during their entrepreneurial process2021/08/17English3
The opportunity to create a business: Systemic banking crisis, institutional factor conditions and trade openness2020/05/30English3
Business Intelligence versus Entrepreneurial Competitive Intelligence and International Competitiveness of North African SMEs2016/11/22English3
Family involvement as influencer on family firm’s growth2021/03/30English2
Introduction to the special issue: Digitalisation and servitisation in international entrepreneurship2023/06/01English2
How financing and information drive international corporate entrepreneurs’ innovations2021/03/09English2
The emergence process of an international network of SMEs and the evolution of the leader’s role2019/08/22English2
Spending allocation and entrepreneurship2013/10/24English2
Editorial note2014/09/01English2
The upcoming rise of SMEs in cross-border public procurement: is it a matter of networking capabilities?2022/03/07English2
The impact of human, social, and psychological capital on academic spin-off internationalization2022/03/01English2
Perspective on early internationalizing firms: Three decades of international entrepreneurship developments2022/06/01English2
Relocation, innovation, and the difference that firm size makes: Insights for global sourcing strategies of SMEs2023/03/29English2
Developing dynamic digital capabilities in micro-multinationals through platform ecosystems: Assessing the role of trust in algorithmic smart contracts2023/04/24English2
Marketing and advertising practices of Turkish entrepreneurs in transition economies: Evidence from Georgia2009/02/12English2
Women Entrepreneurs: A Comparison of International Small Business Owners in Poland and the Czech Republic2004/03/01English2
Factors Influencing the Early Internationalization of High Technology Start-ups: US and UK Evidence2004/03/01English2
An experimental analysis of risk and entrepreneurial attitudes of university students in the USA and Brazil2015/08/20English2