NDT & E International

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Ultrasonic arrays for non-destructive evaluation: A review2006/10/01English630
Post-processing of the full matrix of ultrasonic transmit–receive array data for non-destructive evaluation2005/12/01English562
Comparison of laser Doppler vibrometer with contact sensors for monitoring bridge deflection and vibration2005/04/01English307
A review of Ground Penetrating Radar application in civil engineering: A 30-year journey from Locating and Testing to Imaging and Diagnosis2018/06/01English263
A vision-based system for remote sensing of bridge displacement2006/07/01English262
Review of pulsed thermal NDT: Physical principles, theory and data processing2015/07/01English206
Clustering of acoustic emission signals collected during tensile tests on unidirectional glass/polyester composite using supervised and unsupervised classifiers2004/06/01English202
The reflection of guided waves from notches in pipes: a guide for interpreting corrosion measurements2004/04/01English180
Defect detection using ultrasonic arrays: The multi-mode total focusing method2010/03/01English175
Multi-fault diagnosis of rolling bearing elements using wavelet analysis and hidden Markov model based fault recognition2005/12/01English150
On the use of absorbing layers to simulate the propagation of elastic waves in unbounded isotropic media using commercially available Finite Element packages2012/10/01English148
Reduction of lift-off effects for pulsed eddy current NDT2005/06/01English142
Integration of the Kohonen's self-organising map and k-means algorithm for the segmentation of the AE data collected during tensile tests on cross-ply composites2005/06/01English137
Defect classification using a new feature for pulsed eddy current sensors2005/01/01English135
Rail flaw detection: overview and needs for future developments2004/03/01English133
A vision system for surface roughness characterization using the gray level co-occurrence matrix2004/10/01English128
Thickness measurement of non-magnetic plates using multi-frequency eddy current sensors2007/01/01English124
Real-time, non-contact and targetless measurement of vertical deflection of bridges using off-axis digital image correlation2016/04/01English124
Modeling guided wave propagation with application to the long-range defect detection in railroad tracks2005/07/01English120
Measurement of the ultrasonic nonlinearity of kissing bonds in adhesive joints2009/07/01English120
Fatigue damage evaluation in A36 steel using nonlinear Rayleigh surface waves2012/06/01English119
Quantitative assessment of through-thickness crack size based on Lamb wave scattering in aluminium plates2008/01/01English119
Accuracy of pavement thicknesses estimation using different ground penetrating radar analysis approaches2007/03/01English118
NDT techniques for railroad wheel and gauge corner inspection2004/03/01English117
A review of non-destructive techniques for the detection of creep damage in power plant steels2010/10/01English116
Characterisation of voids in fibre reinforced composite materials2012/03/01English116
Vision-based displacement measurement method for high-rise building structures using partitioning approach2010/10/01English115
Ambient vibration testing, dynamic identification and model updating of a historic tower2012/04/01English115
Structural imaging through local wavenumber estimation of guided waves2013/10/01English113
Guided wave inspection potential of defects in rail2004/03/01English112