Comptes Rendus. Physique

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Thermodynamic formalism and large deviation functions in continuous time Markov dynamics2007/06/01English31
Precise determination of the Doppler width of a rovibrational absorption line using a comb-locked diode laser2009/11/01English31
D-branes from matrix factorizations2004/11/01English31
LED-based white light2018/03/01English31
Thermoelectrics with Coulomb-coupled quantum dots2016/08/17English31
State of the art and developments of high field magnets at the “Laboratoire National des Champs Magnétiques Intenses”2013/01/01English30
Variation of the structural and optical properties of sol–gel TiO2 thin films with different treatment temperatures2006/04/01English30
Generation and detection of Terahertz radiation by field effect transistors2010/07/05English30
Radar monitoring of a wake vortex: Electromagnetic reflection of wake turbulence in clear air2010/01/01English30
Gamma-ray pulsars: A gold mine2015/08/01English30
Towards a spin-ensemble quantum memory for superconducting qubits2016/07/27English30
The unit of time: Present and future directions2019/01/01English30
Hybrid organic–inorganic of ZnS embedded PVP nanocomposite film for photoluminescent application2012/11/01English30
Synchrosqueezing transforms: From low- to high-frequency modulations and perspectives2019/07/01English30
Twinning occurrence and grain competition in multi-crystalline silicon during solidification2013/02/01English30
A coherent and comprehensive model of the evolution of the outer Solar System2010/11/01English30
The Lundgren–Monin–Novikov hierarchy: Kinetic equations for turbulence2012/11/01English30
Strong disorder renormalization group primer and the superfluid–insulator transition2013/10/01English29
Anomalies, Gauss laws, and Page charges in M-theory2005/02/08English29
Minimal string theory2005/02/09English29
Formation of self-assembled quantum dots induced by the Stranski–Krastanow transition: a comparison of various semiconductor systems2005/01/01English29
Optical lithography—present and future challenges2006/10/01English29
Magnetism and superconductivity in rare earth–nickel–borocarbides2006/01/01English29
Polariton condensates at room temperature2016/07/21English29
Primordial non-Gaussianities after Planck 2015: An introductory review2015/08/28English29
Combinatorial approaches for the design of metallic alloys2018/09/13English29
Phoxonic crystals and cavity optomechanics2016/02/12English29
Quantum simulation of disordered systems with cold atoms2016/10/13English29
X radiation sources based on accelerators2008/05/22English29
First principles calculations in iron: structure and mobility of defect clusters and defect complexes for kinetic modelling2008/03/03English29